Only five failed asylum-seekers were flown to Rwanda at a cost of £74million a head in scheme set to be axed if Labour win power

Only five failed asylum-seekers were flown to Rwanda at a cost of £74million a head in scheme set to be axed if Labour win power

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. They gave it all to the Rwandan government to get them to play along with the pantomime. 

  2. That’s not how economics works Daily Fail… Sunk costs are just that. Sunk. Like the Tories.

  3. This undersells the failure of the scheme. 

    The scheme was never supposed to be about people whose applications were rejected.

    The actual number of successful deportations as intended by the scheme is zero.

  4. We could solve all our problems if we find a dumber and richer country to do the same scheme for us…build some affordable homes, give us a big pile of money…and we take a handful of their asylum seekers (also with £3k cash in their pocket) in return.

  5. Well we haven’t got long to wait now to see the immediate end to the crossings, followed by the swift expulsion of at least 100000 or so the conservatives failed to send back. Happy days

  6. Can we all remember that amount could have bought flats for over 1500 homeless people. Or plugged a few councils spending problems. Or just bung everyone in the country £7.

  7. Ironically, many EU countries are now considering third-country processing, and since Rwanda already has lots of infrastructure in place for it, it might be that Denmark, France etc use the Rwanda hotels the UK helped pay for to deport their illegal migrants too.

    This problem of mass inflows of illegal migrants is all across the West. Russia is in part helping facilitate this (e.g. into Poland, Norway, Finland), there are theories they’re also funding smuggling gangs in the Mediterranean. Russia’s goal from this is to undermine social cohesion, increase crime/terrorism which then results in political instability.

    The UK voting in a leftwing government which ostentatiously scraps this scheme, at a time when the rest of Europe is moving sharply rightwards, will mean the UK could become a haven for asylum seekers and illegal migrants across Europe, which in turn will accelerate the UK’s own shift to the right. Basically, Russia’s tactics to undermine Europe seem to be working.

    P.S. in comparison to the cost of the failed Rwanda scheme, UK spends around £8 million per day on housing migrants in hotels, which is £74 million every 9 days, or £3 billion a year. (source: FullFact)

  8. Not bad, in two weeks we’ll have spent that on hotels housing them. Let’s try nothing and be surprised they keep flooding over. Looking forward to the “gangs being smashed”.

  9. The problem is we do actually need a way of dealing with illegal migrants. It’s just this isn’t it chief

  10. I’d rather we give a million each to our top performing students at every state school. 

  11. God, I bent any media outlet that supported such a predictable failure must be feeling incredibly moronic now. I’m mean if they were that stupid one would expect that such media outlets were always on the wrong side of history.

  12. Can’t we just send the criminals who commit violent and sexual crimes there instead of realising them back onto our streets

  13. Criminal. Simply a colossal waste of money and completely irresponsible. And, obviously, cruel.

  14. We have a housing crisis and a failing healthcare system. These parasitic cunts travel through multiple “safe” European countries to come here and leech off us.

    More extreme measures need to be taken.

  15. Sorting out the people coming over on small boats is obviously something that needs to be done.

    * Some will be asylum seekers-that we need to process to ensure we’re not accepting anyone dangerous
    * Some will be economic migrants-I would argue that they should be returned.
    * The actual journey is horrendously dangerous-Irrespective of the reason of coming over on a small boat, no one should be risking their lives.

    It just feels like the Tories looked at this problem and wilfully picked the absolutely worst way to handle it.

  16. Many people will vote for the Tories on the strength of the Rwanda scheme. It’s okay to feel sorry for these people. 

  17. You mean a gimmicky policy that in no way deals with the heart if the issue ended up being incredibly expensive and ineffective? Imagine my shock.

    This isn’t even that complicated an issue to resolve.
    Hire and fund more case workers to reduce the backlog.
    Fund our court systems so that appeals can be tackled quickly and efficiently.
    Provide safe routes either in the UK or in France to reduce small boats needing to cross.

    The system are in place they just need proper funding.

  18. So £390 million. That’s more than double what the Government decided to allocate for a new railway line in Newcastle.

  19. How outrageous! That’s all Mr Sunak’s government ever did was waste money. I wonder how the individuals were persuaded to get on the plane. I imagine they will have accomodation there (and probably a car).
    Yes good point. The person who posted this should provide a breakdown of how the money was spent!!!!!

  20. The proportionality element here is utterly mind blowing. The fact they’ve kept this in their manifesto is incredible. It’s an indictment of their politics for a lot of bits. But moreover it’s surely an indictment of their incompetence

  21. So remember when people say we don’t have enough houses to house ourselves, let alone them, how many houses we could have built here with that money

  22. Why is the government’s solution to everything to just spend more money?

    Ironically if we just did the perfectly suitable UN camps that are around the world then we wouldn’t have such complaints about economic immigrants taking the piss.

    No instead we have to spend spend spend putting them up in hotels in town centres around the country making it as expensive as possible while making illegal work as easy as possible.

    It’s almost like someone in the government was trying to facilitate a drug smuggling network, they couldn’t have done much better if they tried.

  23. We must decolonise the UK as a matter of urgency. Let’s help the colonists return home.

    Get. Them. Out.

  24. Ok scrap it it’s a rip off. But what amazing plan will solve it? “Work with France” won’t work.

  25. Utter madness. Let’s not forget Boris Johnson came up with this plan to take away our attention from lies he said in Parliament re parties. I’m not a Labour voter but come on Starmer, get in and sort this country out

  26. Imagine if we spent the same amount of money building social housing but fought the plan every step of the way then claimed social housing was a failure because no one ever used the houses that we wouldn’t let them use? That’s what’s happening here.

  27. It ended up as basically sunk costs fallacy, Sunak didn’t want to admit that they’d wasted months on such a ridiculous policy, so wasted more months on it.

  28. The Rwanda scheme is cruel and a terrible precedent for other countries to follow but it hadn’t even started so it is hardly fair to judge it against its startup cost.

    The migrant crisis will only get worse. There are millions upon millions that live in low lying coastal areas like Bangladesh. Sea levels are rising and humans can’t breathe underwater. Crops are failing, wars and famine will spread. This isn’t going away and we need a proper combined international effort which means taking a share of refugees.

  29. It looks incredible in retrospect that Sunak persisted for so long, at such high a political and economic cost, with an unworkable policy dreamed up on the hoof as par tof “Operation Red Meat” to desperately distract from Boris Johnson’s scandals.

  30. Imagine this money spend in housing and education… but hey, goal is not a good solution but to show they just love to make peoples live miserable. Oh, and votes.

  31. £370 million to fly 5 people out. According to the HO, 29,437 people crossed on small boats in 2023. That means to send them all to Rwanda it would cost, £2,178,338,000,000. 

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