Is Europe ready for a slightly less shit British PM?

Image shamelessly stolen from another sub, fuck you.

by Kernowder

  1. We live in the worst possible timeline. Don’t jinx it. My money is on Nigel Fridge.

  2. I will miss some Tories, like Rees-Mogg and Truss. They are of course insufferable cunts but also rather entertaining, in a perverse kind of way.

  3. Im not even sure he’ll be less shit, most likely just as shit but in a different way. Regardless, it’s time for a change.

  4. The last time the British had a prime minister that wasn’t an utter clown, I was merely a boy. I have some vague memories of it. The Spice Girls were on the radio, Rowan Atkinson was at his prime, the first season of Dr Who just aired and the Red Coats were settling in the Middle East. Fond memories…

  5. Why don’t you just go back the king ruling properly Anglos? No more funny-haired, salad or Uberdriver prime ministers.

    Just direct rule from London.

  6. You think it’s going to be better? I think it’s time for popcorn 🍿

  7. How do you know that he’ll be less shit?

    What if he’s worse?

    Name a single decent British prime minister, other than Pitt The Elder.

  8. Do you really think anyone outside of your island cares about your internal affairs, let alone politics?

  9. I don’t care about Labour winning, just give me that LIB DEM SURGE into 2nd place with the Tories getting annihilated

  10. I’ve never seen a UK election so determined by revulsion at sheer incompetence, anti-charisma, and personal hypocritical entitlement before. It had always been largely about policy and ideology before.

  11. I’m just here for Ed Davey hopefully becoming head of the opposition and water sliding into the Commons

  12. Let’s be honest, no one really cares about Starmer, we all just want to see the Tories implode🍿

  13. How this even concern us? You’re just another commercial partner for the EU.

  14. Shame for Rishi. He never even had Sky TV as a child. And now he can’t win an election. Such a shame.

  15. I pray for a mass Tory extinction event. I swear there is no other party quite as horrible as them in all of Europe. Bunch of thieving, deregulating inept toffs that seem completely unique to the UK.

  16. We haven’t had a left-wing government since 2010. This *should* result in more funding for the NHS, public services etc. We’ll wait and see …

  17. That people actually think that Labour will do anything differently is hilarious. It will be the same sh*** as with the Torries, but cranked up to 11.

  18. Boris was fun, I miss him.
    At least he sussed out who Putin was from the beginning and even tried to clue Macron in, way back in January ’22 when Macron was saying “give peace a chance, Vlad’s a nice guy and a nice guy would never invade Ukraine”. Bojo was a clown, but not as foolish as our own mainland EU politicians.

  19. The tragedy is that Barry is our only hope, ignorant dumbasses all around Europe have learnt nothing from history so the far right is winning everywhere

    The UK is the only place (or maybe not, but the only big player) that isn’t voting for fascism, if their government does bad, we’re fucking SCREWED dude

    They gotta do good and show that every other choice is better than far right (or every extremism)

  20. The Limeys will be happy to get rid of the Torysauruses just to find out they get stuck by the Starmoxis, also an island dwelling jingoist.

  21. I think people are unfairly underestimating Labour, they absolutely have the talent, drive and vision to be as shit as the Tories. And I’m sure they will over time convince everyone they need to be taken as every bit seriously as the Tory party.

  22. How many different PMs will we have during Labour I wonder?

    Nothing is going to change, the UK has some kind of mass dementia, the last time a Labour PM was in No. 10 they took us into an illegal war after half the country turned out in the streets saying ‘No to War’.

    We’re going to be served the same shit sandwich as usual, only this time it’s on a red plate rather than a blue one.

    The status quo will never change as long as we have the same FPTP two party circus in Westminster.

    (forgive my pessimism but I am Scottish…)

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