NSFW – Pure horror for this Russian soldier after eliminated by the Ukrainian air bombers of the RUBpAK unit of the 65th separate mechanized brigade. Both legs completely torn off. Robotyne, Zaporizhia region

NSFW – Pure horror for this Russian soldier after eliminated by the Ukrainian air bombers of the RUBpAK unit of the 65th separate mechanized brigade. Both legs completely torn off. Robotyne, Zaporizhia region

by JournalistLonely3472

  1. Pure horror is mothers buried alive with their kids under rubble in the middle of the night by russian rockets. Pure horror is an elderly couple looking at their burning house with everything they ever had. Pure horror is parents crying over their children graves who gave life defending their land.

    This? This is justice. He HAD two legs to walk back home, ge HAD two arms to take the gun and point it back to the people who sent him there. He didn’t, so Ukrainians solved his problems the way they could.

  2. Looks like his foot is in okay shape and it’s still attached by a shred of skin…

    That’s a positive.

  3. He looks like he could use some help. It is a long crawl back where he came from.

  4. Add in his right arm doesn’t move and his left wrist seems broken. Legs seem cauterized. How long does he live in suffering?

  5. Orc probably had better living conditions while dying in that pit than he had back home before crossing the border.

  6. Those arms don’t look in a good state either. If Russians evacuated their wounded he’d be a quadruple amputation. Not to worry though, there is fuck all chance of evacuating.

  7. Should be watched by evry potential mobik who thinks he can earn money in Ukraine.

  8. They should add Metallica’s **One** as a soundtrack to this one.


  9. Someone’s son, someone’s brother and possibly someone’s father. And on Putin orders. All because he wanted more.

  10. He f*cked around and found out. War is not an lucrative job for the soldiers fighting it.

  11. Imagine laying there in that state. Must really be questioning the ‘why’ about it all.

    Fuck him. Should have stayed in his toiletless dictatorship.

  12. I don’t think too many Ukrainians are going to shed any tears for him

  13. He might be in a bit of a pickle.

    Don’t think this rat can pickle-Rick his way out of this.

  14. Just a flap where he dick and balls were. The left hand is amputated. Yikes

  15. Its so great vacation in foreign country, you get well earned rest, a looooong sleep. Enjoy your stay..

  16. I watch these videos, sipping my coffee, and am thinking: what in the world is going through their minds as they are 10 minutes away from bleeding out, with missing limbs and excruciating pain?
    Do they realize how stupid they were?
    Do they realize how they were manipulated?
    Do they still think it was worth it?
    Do they still think it couldn’t happen to them?
    Do they wish they remained home instead?
    Humankind sure needs a purge as stupidity and greed are causing so much suffering.

  17. How is thar guy even alive? Like, wouldn’t you bleed out in minutes with wounds like that?

  18. Sucks to be this particular Vatnik, it’s true. But as an invader, if you aren’t actively looking for all possible means to surrender to Ukrainian forces the moment you hit the ground in Ukraine, and instead have chosen to pursue the will of your Master in the Kremlin, getting blown to bits by the Defenders is a perfectly justifiable (and almost inevitable) outcome.

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