The Russian ambassador in the Netherlands threatened that Russia will bomb the Dutch airbase Volkel.

The Russian ambassador in the Netherlands threatened that Russia will bomb the Dutch airbase Volkel.

by SLAVAUA2022

  1. if true, declare the fat bastard as persona non grata and send him packing.

  2. Yes, please do it right now, then we can finally send everything and the kitchen sink to Ukraine and take out most of the Russian military infrastructure.

    Okay, but for real, why do Russian officials think that threatening to attack a NATO member country is a good idea? I mean, they do know about article 5, don’t they? But hey, maybe he wants to see a real B-2 flying overhead.

  3. Why not have the army set up a blockade around the embassy, nobody in or out.

  4. Please do. Article 5 will kick back harder then Ukraine drones. Cheers from a Dutchie

  5. Well Russians are just stupid at this point, Dutch culture has a special hate for bullies. Bully us and we only push back harder.

  6. Aren’t ambassadors supposed to be diplomatic?

    We’re going to blow up your country is not really a diplomatic thing to say.

  7. Please…. It’s also good for our fellow Dutch citizens…


  8. Ah yes, let’s bomb the base, famous for housing American nukes. what could go wrong.

  9. That’s not how we the Dutch work. Fucking with us doesn’t make us back down. It will only result into more support for Ukraine.

  10. I want MH17 to be mentioned at every opportunity when Russians are involved in any discussion. Just keep returning to the topic. How Russian supplied arms killed so many innocent civilians.

  11. Fucking cut ties completely already, put some statushouders in their embassy building and use their cars to bring the garden trash of Wimlex to the recycling park.

    Then fucking smoke Putain out of his hiding and put him in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. Just be done with it… we don’t need this shit going on for another 5 years…

  12. He must have forgotten, Russia has a special place in Netherlanders for MH17.

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