28% of Britons say the outcome of general elections has little to no impact on them personally

28% of Britons say the outcome of general elections has little to no impact on them personally


by Puzzleheaded_Post_20

  1. I can understand, I think whoever wins you’re looking at least 2-3 years before you see any changes that will effect most people on a meaningful personal level.

  2. The sentiment in my circles is that as long as they get paid at the end of the month, they couldn’t give two shits about voting.

  3. I feel the same. Not because I don’t think elections are important, but because I expect another 5 years of utter shite.

  4. Hardly surprising when candidates are silver spoon Eton babies with no direct life experience relatable for the majority of the UK. Manifestos are not at all binding & basically nothing in a election platform gets implemented.
    If anything I’d expect the number to be way higher.

  5. The parties havent really told us what they will change thats why. Yea they have their manifesto but everyone knows thats not worth the paper its written on.

    The whole campaigns have been run on “dont vote for Tories/Labour you will be worse off”, without telling us why we should vote for the other party

  6. Probably a mixture between lack of faith in anything actually changing and lack of education to the importance of it.

  7. I’m surprised it isn’t higher. Why would you have any faith in any of them? They can just promise the world and then not even try to provide you one scrap of it, and it’s allowed. They can lie to get in power, and then just do whatever they want.

    Then you have the fact it’s going to take years to turn the country around, by which time the public will have forgotten about how the Tories pilfered the country since thatcher, once again, and get back into power. Undoing anything labour tried to do.

    It’s pointless man. The countries cooked, it’s done. It’s on a downhill trajectory and has been since thatcher fisted it.

  8. It’s because, In the words of the great poet Fred Durst, “Everything is fucked and everybody sucks.”

  9. If you don’t pay a lot of taxes then any changes in them will not affect you.

    If you live in your own house then Labour failure with immigration policies won’t affect your rent, because you don’t rent anything.

  10. All of the parties are run by the same people but in different colours. Where are the salt of the earth politicians that have lived in the real world and had proper jobs, not just been in politics all of their life

  11. # “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”

    Don’t listen to the clowns that push this lie. They want to keep you apathetic and non-voting so they can push their own candidates and agenda through.

    **The parties cater to those that vote.**

  12. The problem is people don’t attribute the problems to the government. They don’t see that link.

    Things like NHS waiting times getting out of hand, that’s the NHS’s fault, or junior doctors fault, or immigrants fault. They don’t see that funding has been cut, that wages are low so many medical professionals are going abroad, that Brexit means many foreign workers have been put off or prevented from coming over, that the new hospitals we were promised by the gov have never materialised.

    Same with housing. The government and councils haven’t built enough new homes to meet demand, but it’s the immigrants fault that there’s not enough houses. Young people can’t get on the property ladder because the economy has been tanked and interest rates are too high, but it’s young people’s fault for not saving up hard enough.

    Crimes like car theft and shoplifting are massively on the rise because police numbers have been significantly cut, people know they can shoplift and nothing will be done, people are having to shoplift because wages are not enough to live on, people are being told the police won’t bother investigating most low level crimes now, but nobody is talking about the police cuts that Gov made. It’s the police’s fault they can’t be arsed, not lack or staff and lack of funding.

  13. 72% of Britons say that the outcome of the general election has an impact on them personally.

  14. Ridiculous headline. Essentially, 72% believe this election will affect them

  15. One can’t help but recall that half the population, by definition, is below average IQ. These people probably also believe conspiracy theories like 15 minute cities.

  16. To be fair, this election we are just going to get another 5 years of conservatives no matter what.

  17. The scariest thing is that as a young, poor person, this is the first time I’ve realised it means absolutely nothing for people like me.

    The people who are excited about this election are the middle-aged, middle-class types with fat pensions etc who see politics as reality television. We couldn’t get them to vote Labour for 14 years and now they’ve all jumped on it like it’s the last chopper out of Saigon. And that makes me uncomfortable. I think it’s going to end in tears personally.

    Brexit was the first reflex reaction to 2008. This election will be one of the last reactions to it. Then we’ll have Farage 2029 with 450+ seats.
    And I say that as a true red.

  18. That’s honestly fucking bizarre given all the tory policies we’ve seen

  19. There’s been a huge amount of messaging in the past few weeks that “it doesn’t matter”, “they’re all the same” or that “labour will win the biggest win in history”. I’m assuming that is a concerted effort (by whom we can only speculate) to try and reduce turnout, and it’s probably worked.

  20. That’s because they’re acutely aware it’s austerity with red ties Vs austerity with blue ties, and profits first and last

  21. I can understand the sentiment behind the thought, but it’s terrifying how wrong that thought is.

  22. Tbf this is probably true. Most policy changes might give you a couple hundred quid or cost you a couple hundred quid out of your pay. Nothing actually *changes* noticeably for the average person. Not at least things the government can control (i.e. not macro events like rising rates and inflation).

  23. These will be the same people wondering why pensioners get so pandered to by political parties?

    Because it sure isn’t down to the goodness of their hearts.

  24. Let’s get out and vote

    Let’s make our voices heard

    You’ve been given the right to choose

    Between a douche and a turd.

    It’s democracy in action

    Put your freedom to the test

    A big fat turd or a stupid douche

    Which do you like best.

  25. Liz truss put £200 a month on my mortgage, so 28% of Britons are idiots. Go and vote!

  26. I honestly thought it would be much higher, people clearly have short memories, they actually think Labour will be different.
    I’m Welsh and lived under a Labour government for 25 years, in every devolved issue we are the worst off in the UK, nothing will change.
    I give it 12 months before the majority of Labour voters realise this and lose confidence in the party.

  27. That figure seems a little low considering the last 28 years of the same old shit.

  28. 28% of people need to read more and pay attention to how their lives are now demonstrably worse after 14 years of utter misrule and abuse.

    Politicians want you thinking that there is no point voting because “They are all the same” because it gives them a cover to behave as poorly as they want and strip mine our pockets for their own gain

    They are confidence tricksters – being ignorant serves your abusers more than it does yourself

  29. Do these people not pay mortgages? Tax and NI? Travel to europe? Run businesses? Buy food in supermarkets? Politics, and the party in charge, affects everything.

  30. That’s sad. Whoever is in power has an effect on your life. They may well be thinking there’s not much difference between Labour and the Tories, but unfortunately I think it’s total political illiteracy

  31. It doesn’t necessarily mean apathy. I don’t think the result of today’s election will have much of an impact on me personally. But I live in hope that it can affect a lot of other people.

  32. Expect the UK to remain a vassal state for corporations where “good” jobs go to VISA immigrants to keep salaries down and a visible class system in most corporations. We’ve been behind on education and especially higher education for years since we made it insanely expensive.

  33. Just gonna paste this quote from Bertolt Brecht which IMO, whilst inflammatory, explains how we got here.

    >The worst illiterate is the political illiterate. He hears nothing, sees nothing, takes no part in political life. He doesn’t seem to know that the cost of living, the price of beans, of flour, of rent, of medicines all depend on political decisions. He even prides himself on his political ignorance, sticks out his chest and says he hates politics. He doesn’t know, the imbecile, that from his political non-participation comes the prostitute, the abandoned child, the robber and, worst of all, corrupt officials, the lackeys of exploitative multinational corporations.

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