this is what you get for €16,50 in milan (lunch meal)

nothing to add. literally sick of how expensive and mediocre this city is. 🙁

by Brilliant_Coat_8636

  1. I dunno, for less than 20€ yo got a full COLOR PHOTO of food.
    That seems an improvement, until a few years ago you’d get at black&white photo at best for that sum.

  2. you can get a lot better value for money if you don’t go in fancy or touristy places…

  3. In Warsaw you can have 2 lunches for that price. Or a dinner in a good restaurant.

  4. Apart from the size and price in general, I don’t like the rice to veggies ratio.

  5. I ate a full pizza for 5,50€ two weeks ago in Milan and it was good.
    Location matters a lot.

  6. Yeah you are dumb.

    I get much better meals for much cheaper in Milan.

    Yes even in the city center, I`ve worked there for 5 years.

  7. I can cook this dish and eat it every day for a whole month for 20 euros.

  8. Isn’t it an absurdly expensive city by Italian standards? I have only been to Trieste but it was nowhere near as expensive.

    (also, any suggestions for other cities similar to Trieste are welcome. I really liked how chaotic it was, tunnels, random vistas, an unexpected mega-stairway, hills, mounds, marina…I think Genoa was floated once as a similar city).

  9. I’ll get better food for that price here in Switzerland and we’re stupid expensive compared to Italy, what is this

  10. *This is what you get for €16,50 in Milan*

    Basically, you get a fraud.

  11. You will get much more food and better rice at a regular Indian restaurant

  12. Milan is expensive but you can get a good pizza for under 10 euros like everywhere. That dish is a robbery

  13. Porcoddio devo tirare fuori 15-20 euro ogni pranzo quando vengo in sto ufficio del cazzo

  14. The net profit for this restaurant from this meal is at least 15 euros. 😄

  15. No bruh. Search better. Unless you are in front of duomo virtually everywhere for 16 euro fixed lunch menu you get a first course, a second course and water/soft drink + coffee.

  16. literally:
    1 € mixed veggies (prices have gone through the roof in Italy)
    0.5 € rice

    15€ labor, rent, other costs, profit and taxes.

    Get away from that forsaken place as quickly as possible.

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