Suck Putin’s cock together for all I care, we’ll do our own thing.

Suck Putin’s cock together for all I care, we’ll do our own thing.

by GemeenteEnschede

  1. We literally have an ally of europeans worst threat within our ranks. Hungary should be sanctioned and kicked out untill the mongols living there decide to not be regarded monkeys anymore

  2. Putin’s cock suckers are right from the ECR (Conservatives), please move on Mr Orban.

  3. And the ones depicted right are Uncle Sam’s cock suckers…

    All you guys dream of a federalized EU, the one the left is the way to that, not the ones on the right. If we want to be a powerhouse again we need to import our gas from Russia, not indirectly from Turkey or shipping it across the Atlantic from the US.

  4. Lmao what a stupid meme.

    There is no such thing as factional pressure in the EU parliament and Von der Leyen needs Meloni because the EPP can not be sure that whole of S&D or the Greens support them.

  5. Keep ignoring the right wing and the mass migration problems, surely that’s a recipe for democratic long term success,… right guys?

  6. Not up-to-date with Euro politics, but i hope Meloni-chan stays anti-russia as a true f*scist should be.

  7. What have you done OP?!!!. The thread is filled with fascist tears now.

    Edit: Holy Shit, I have never seen a bigger bunch of crybabies like here.

    It just a joke, aren’t you guys supposed to be thick skinned?!!! Lol

  8. It is so sad for us sat here on the newly minted United Socialist Republic of Barry Island, not at all smugly, watching our neighbours steadily tear themselves apart and slide into fascism. Not too much genocide this time, ok!

    Yes, yes, of course we will come and save you, yet again, when World War Three starts. Europe is Barry’s burden, always has been.

  9. > Sub about making of nationalists

    > OP makes a meme making fun of nationalists

    > The entire sub:

    HOW DARE YOU!!!.



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