Der Gaza-Krieg lässt die Unterstützung für die Hamas schwinden und sieht sich wachsendem öffentlichen Widerstand gegenüber

Der Gaza-Krieg lässt die Unterstützung für die Hamas schwinden und sieht sich wachsendem öffentlichen Widerstand gegenüber

  1. Hamas is dangerous wounded animal, ready to pounce on dissent with bullets so open rebellion may not happen but definite crack have formed here and there with public.

  2. Wait, what? Who was actually supporting Hamas to begin with? I mean, I’m not a fan of the war crimes being committed by the IDF, but doesn’t anyone actually want peace? Or is it all just religious zealotry run amuck (on EVERY side)?

  3. Some Palestinians already demonstrated against Hamas last year in July. Hamas went after them hard, and international media did not cover it extensively, some not at all.

  4. It absolutely amazes me that Hamas have international support from the LGBTQ+ communities…

  5. They are waking up to the real oppressors which is Hamas. Palestine could have had peace decades ago if it wasn’t for their radical leaders on a suicidal Jihad.

  6. This is amazing news. Finally we may start to see some movement here and the chance of peace in the future. Peace is in the hands of the Palestinian electorate, and it appears they are finally starting to understand the macro causes of the problems they face.

  7. Everything about the Israel Palestine war is fucked. Truly just fucked.  The hardliners always are the problem. Netanyahu is a hardliner and so is Sinwar. So are Hezbollah and Iran and Russia for that matter. So is Assad. 

  8. >There was opposition to Hamas long before the war, though much of it remained hidden for fear of reprisals.

    So… this is more than just fear of reprisal, to the extent that this article captures a real and significant phenomenon. Reprisals/fear are real and relevant but “solidarity” is even more relevant.

    The PNA, most local Palestinian journalists & academics… officially deny that Oct 7 even happened. IE, there was no systematic targeting of civilians, kidnapping of children or other overt war crimes. The PNA *hate* Hamas. But, breaking solidarity is rarely done or tolerated. Therefore… significant and overt anti-Hamas sentiments are thought to signal Hamas’ weakening.

    An “optimistic” scenario is that a Hamas rival emerges from the chaos. The pessimistic scenario is that a Hamas rival emerges from the chaos.

    Hamas rival could mean “the Dahlan camp,” the old Fatah/PNA regime in gaza. It could mean PIJ, the all-in Islamic revolution faction. It could mean the Ramallah faction of PNA. It could mean the ascendency of a powerful clan. US want a “sons of iraq” clone. All assuming hamas weaken significantly.

  9. Let’s hope what replaces them is a bit more rational, peaceful, and willing to build a peaceful Palestinian society!

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