President Zelenskyy will not give an interview to Tucker Carlson, according to the Ukrainian president’s spokesperson, Serhii Nykyforov

President Zelenskyy will not give an interview to Tucker Carlson, according to the Ukrainian president’s spokesperson, Serhii Nykyforov

by UNITED24Media

  1. He got paid by Poo-tin a lot of money for that interview. Better get retired , cunt, before to piss off Budanov 😎

  2. I’m pretty sure Zelensky will have many opportunities to give an interview to a journalist instead.

  3. I think he should, and show off the contrast in charisma and earnestness that he embodies compared to Putin.

    But then again, who am I.

  4. Well Putin doesn’t like sharing his lovers, so it wasn’t meant to be anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. Perhaps Mr Zelensky could give Tucky Boy an interview and then drone on, non stop for an hour about how russian history has got it all wrong. Then simply get up and walk away.

  6. This isn’t news. Carlson is a hack fraud who ruined his reputation and career permanently.

  7. The plus side for Zelenskyy would be the opportunity to present his views on events to a large audience that usually would never access such information.

    Twofold on the minus side: Tucker could easily twist things to fit his narrative, but also, why give an outspoken enemy of liberal values and of Ukraine a platform and lend him credibility?

  8. He won’t give me an interview either, but that’s because I’m not a proper journalist and he has more important things to do than give his time to me.

  9. You can dislike Tucker all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that his popularity has only increased since being sacked from Fox; he has his own (conservative/right wight?) audience which he caters to.

    AFAIK, he has absolutely no problem with finances as well (multi million inheritance + regular income from his own work).
    ..and his currently the only Western (AFAIK) journalist which has interviewed Mr. Putin.

    Tucker is a very polarizing figure, but one can’t deny his popularity and means to conduct controversial interviews.

  10. mhh… I’m sure Selensky is way more experienced than me and has good reasons for that decision – but isn’t this a chance to reach people, who he could never reach otherwise?

  11. I would like to see it. Want to know how hard Tucker will be choking down Russian zenis.

  12. If he wanted to be taken seriously he should never have “interviewed” Putin…. i.e. Given Putin a platform to spread misinformation propaganda to the heart of America.

    I’m disgusted by him & frankly, after that “interview,” anyone that still listens to Tucker.

  13. The only thing Tucker Carlson should be allowed to interview is a PoV Drone.

  14. Even more respect and kudos to President Zelensky. Tucker as he admits himself is a prize dick!!

  15. Yeah, cause he has better things to do. Not sure if Dick-Tucker really expected any other answer. If he did, he is an even bigger buffoon than I thought.

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