Compare and contrast: The Sun’s pre election front page 2019 vs. 2024 (UK)

Compare and contrast: The Sun’s pre election front page 2019 vs. 2024 (UK)

by VoodooAction

  1. Sometimes I really wish I was born/raised/living in the UK with a subpar IQ, being the bulls-eye target for this paper’s demographic.

    Driving my kitted out Civic Type R, starting drinking at 10AM at the local Wetherspoons and reading this (whatever it is)

    Life would be so less stresfull.

  2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Well, that was a spectacular misfire. Johnson was probably the crowning achievement in the Conservatives’ impressive chain of bad decisions over the past 14 years. I can still recall the utterly delusional hubris with which they anointed this clown, as if the only thing their seemingly secure position needed was a bit more entertainment in politics.

    Let’s not forget that this mess was also brought about by Labour and the dreadful Jeremy Corbyn, who came in with a political and economic agenda straight out of the Stone Age, aiming to morph the country back to the 1960s.

  3. I like how both NHS gets billions and “everyone” gets lower taxes. Also Brexit. These 3 don’t seem to stack up together.

  4. The S*n want to keep Southgate? Still on the wrong side of history then..

  5. “don’t sack southgate”

    Man the Sun really manages to find a way to be wrong every time

  6. Pardon my eastern european ignorance, but are labourers truly as “marxist and communist” as they’re made out to be ?

  7. That’s rather embarrassing. The Sun wants to keep its reputation of always endorsing the winner, but they can’t bring themselves to say “Labour” or “Starmer”.

  8. I was listening to a podcast yesterday, and they were saying that Reform voters want:

    * out of the shackles of the globalized economy that disfavors working class Brits
    * government intervention in the cost of living crisis
    * enough of the elites getting their way while the bottom half get stiffed
    * reduced immigration that makes the job market for lower paying jobs too competitive

    So basically they want Corbyn. Am I wrong here?

  9. The Sun being a propaganda shitrag controlled by people who want the tories in power? Who would have ever guessed?

  10. The Sun always back who looks like the winner. They don’t associate with lovers.

  11. The press in every dystopian piece of fiction is nowhere near as cartoonish as the british press. Idiocracy was truly a documentary.

  12. I know there’s are market for these kind of shite papers (S*n, Daily Mail, Bild, Telegraaf) but why on earth would a journalist be happy/willing to write this? Only for the money? You really have to hate yourself

  13. They’re just backing the winner. There’s not really much more to it than that.

  14. I don’t think they thought the first cover through. If you tick all the boxes on the ballot, it makes your vote invalid.

  15. The Sun is an absolute rag and would sell it’s own gran just to say they’ve picked the ‘winner’ for the election again.

    It should burn.

  16. Of course The Sun has to dumb something important down with football metaphors

  17. I feel sorry for Labour that will have to sort over a decade of conservative mismanagenent and sabotage of the government. At least most of other democracies only have to fix at most 8 years of chaos

  18. It’s pleasing to see The Sun (and newspapers in general) reducing influence in politics.

  19. Story of elections. Let one of two main parties screw up the country for a few years, then let the other main party do the same for a while, then back to the other party again. Then just keep going like this forever.

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