‘What? You mean, am I a racist?’

'Of course there can't be a nice, normal right wing alternative party. That would be far too simple.'

by Catwinky

  1. As long as closing the borders will be considered racist 80% of the European population are going to be the bad guys lol.

    Man I miss the times when politics wasn’t this unreasonable and tribalistic. I blame social networks tbh.

  2. Realistically it’s all a bit sad, but I snort-laughed like a teenager when I saw the clip of that reform campaigner being a racist.

    **You** **don’t** **say!**

  3. Let’s be honest here, the average reform voter would be sieg-heiling too.

    This meme is a real jezzing.

  4. You’re not supposed to do that Nigel, you know you’re not supposed to that…

  5. I voted today in my village and it went basically as follows:

    1. labour (they’ll win, they always do)

    2. tories

    3. green

    4. racists

    5. boomer racists

    6. penis ‘n vaginas party

    7. tankie independant (he’s 21 and his flyer had his uni grades on it)

    8. pro palestine independant (the only non-white candidate)

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