i really fucked up

me and my friend went to london to see greenday on saturday and ended up using santander bikes to get fro hammersmith to wembley, not realising there were no parking spaces anywhere near wembley 😭
we left by the tube station and my friend has just seen this since getting back
is there anything we can do?

by Cultural_Principle_1

  1. Not really, it’s in the terms and conditions and you didn’t return the bike

  2. Yes there is something you can do!

    I had similar happen, call them and explain you were visiting London used the bikes but couldn’t park them.

    They were incredibly understanding on the phone.

    This is not uncommon and to prevent people from swearing to never touch another bike in London they normally just write it off, or you just pay that distance

  3. Talk to TFL and explain the situation, they have been very helpful whenever I have had any issues.

  4. Just leave the country. They’ll never find you. Only student loan companies can find you….worse than Mossad those lot.

  5. Just asking OP, as a friend, what did you think would happen when you left the bikes by the tube station? They’d hop on the tube and find their way home?

    Not intending any snark, but genuinely what did you expect to happen here? If you rent a car you can’t just abandon it wherever with no repercussions.

  6. Call them and talk to them. It may not work… but it’s got a much better chance of working than doing nothing..

  7. Dispute the Transaction with the Bank

    Check the Terms and Conditions

    Request a Review of the charge

    Contact Santander Cycles Customer Service

  8. I would try talking to them 1st off! On another note, I was at the concert too! How amazing was it??!! Good luck with the charge, hope it doesn’t put a dampner on the event!

  9. A rickshaw driver in London offered to take me home once for £40 and a blowjob. I declined, but it’s always there in your back pocket for next time! /s

  10. As others have said contact TFL, they should be able to help.
    But when they say the offer an call back service. Be careful they can’t do refunds unless you linked your card to their app.

  11. Uber would have been much cheaper. You can abandon an Uber anywhere. And you don’t have to pedal.

    You live and learn.

  12. Loool, honestly, pay the fine like a man and grow the F up and be responsible next time. 🙃 /s

  13. They charging you for a lost bike or something? How does it possibly reach this value.

  14. Scared the shit outta me when I saw this, and I’m not even a Lloyds customer! 😂

  15. This happened to me, exact situation where I left it near a rack (because it was full) and didn’t think about it Yes, alcohol was involved.

    Anyways, you need to call their helpline and say these magic words: “I put it into the rack, and the light turned green.”

    Anyone can say this, yes, but they have no way to prove it. It places the fault on the rack itself, and you’re fine. They will refund you the money.

    Feel free to look it up, it was the advice I saw on reddit as well, and it worked. The moment I said that, it seemed like whoever was on the other end just immediately gave up questioning and said they would refund me.

    Good luck.

  16. I remember a couple years ago when there was a tube strike and they decided to fill up every docking station in tower Hamlets with bikes the evening before the strike so when I came home from work I couldn’t find a single empty dock. Was riding around for almost 2 hours and had to walk from Limehouse to Bow Church but it only cost me under £10 in extra fees lol

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