r/NorthernIreland election results plan

Hello folks, just giving you a heads up as to how we're going to run the sub over the next few days as the election results start to come in:

  1. Any major news stories, developments etc relating to Northern Ireland can be posted on the sub in the normal way. Please don't spam the sub though, at least two of us will be here overnight keeping an eye out.

  2. There will be a Megathread functioning as a sort of live chat space for general discussion, in which we'll also be suspending rule 2. We recognise that you'll also probably want to discuss matters over the water and while r/UKPolitics exists we know a lot of you won't want to or won't be able to post there.

This'll probably be how things run from later this evening through Friday and probably into the weekend too. Give us a shout here or in modmail with any questions.

by Force-Grand

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