Hisbollah feuerte über 200 Raketen und Drohnen auf Nordisrael ab

Hisbollah feuerte über 200 Raketen und Drohnen auf Nordisrael ab


  1. This is getting out of control. I truly feel bad for the Lebanese people that will take the brunt of the necessary Israeli retaliation. If this were any other country (not Israel) Lebanon would be flattened. 

  2. I really don’t understand the israeli govennment.

    This is not a Terror party, it is a country named Lebanon.
    What country will allow other country attack them with no response ?

  3. Dealing with Hamas and now Lebanon, unless Israel’s military is stronger than i think they might be fucked

  4. Rest of the world: pls show restrain Israel! (even though if someone launch 200 rockets and drones we would have retaliated!)

  5. How can 200 rockets being fired at a country only have 138 upvotes. They are not even technically at war! 

  6. Lebanon really saw what happened to Gaza and said “lemme get a slice of that”.

  7. I dunno why people think it’s a good idea to fuck with Israel. Did they not see Gaza?

  8. Wait until Lebanese civilians are killed and the UN declares it a war crime, students will protest. What a joke.

  9. If anyone else did what Hamas did, the reaction would be the same or swifter than what Israel did. Same with Hezbollah. But because of the sensitivity of the region, and reliance on oil, people are more concerned about the PR than solving the issue

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