It was previously stated that Russia, instead of taking care of wounded soldiers, just sends them to their final death assault in special detachments. Now we have video proof.

It was previously stated that Russia, instead of taking care of wounded soldiers, just sends them to their final death assault in special detachments. Now we have video proof.

by iivankin1

  1. They should be kept alive, it is a burden and morale breakers for the other as a constant reminder of their fate.

  2. Music is earie. Second army in the world. It’s just sad and so difficult to comprehend the ridiculousness of what the fuck they’re on about.

    Fuck Russia, no rest of the wicked.

  3. Imagine breaking your leg thinking you’re lucky enough to finally go home to the fam just to probably get splinted up given some shitty anti inflammatory and sent back out there probably same week 🤣 I see why more people put a grenade in their vest

  4. Maybe them can limp their way to ukrainians, surrender and be treated properly.

  5. They are just sending the wounded to UA to be annoying.

    not much of an assault without a rifle.

  6. “Now we have video proof”.
    Proof of what?
    Its two injured dudes walking without visible weapons.

  7. I’m pro ukraine and wouldnt put it past the russians to do that… but this video just shows wounded troops hobbling around a blitzed out shit hole that could be anywhere, even miles from the front line. and there’s no evidence that they are being sent in to combat.

  8. This is only proof if you want it to be imo. You could easily come up with a more reasonable scenario if these were claimed Ukrainian soldiers.

  9. these guys should drop their weapons and fly a white flag off something and surrender.

  10. This is Absurdistan to the max. Old Putler must be ready to empty the retirement homes next. The pensioners don’t work anyway and most of them can carry a rifle.

  11. Is this seriously for real? I mean, I don’t see any attack, they could be just going to the outhouse…

  12. I’m once again saying it, this war becomes “The Death of Russia”

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