North Korean shells in the Russian army

North Korean shells in the Russian army

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. I don’t know, if the source is credible. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this footage some years ago. It’s from a Looney Tunes episode with either Wile E. Coyote or Duffy Duck.

  2. Crispy! That might happen when you fire an old gun without maintenance with shitty quality shells.

  3. Lol 😆 on grateful day north korean supplies toral eill blow up 😆

  4. So? What exactly is wrong with them? They were manufactured to kill enemies, but no one has specified which ones and how. So as we can see, they serve their purpose well.

  5. Really effective. Doesn’t the Ukrainian side want to ask Kim to supply more such ammunition to the Russians?

  6. These kinds of catastrophic failure are usually caused by a faulty/damaged barrel or chamber.

    Not likely from faulty ammo, but fuck NK and RU anyway.

  7. North Korea: “We shall fight against the imperialists”

    Mission Accomplished.

  8. The west should acknowledge that the ru-nk partnership is beneficial for Ukraine!

  9. Initially, those guys are just sitting back and chilling out – just another day lobbing shells towards civilians miles away. So relaxed. Then…*bam*. Poor bastards. Am trying to muster up some sympathy but the well is dry.

  10. Should’ve removed the banana from the end of the barrel before firing

  11. Looks like a squib round prior. This means the prior round was caught in the barrel that didn’t have enough power to clear it. Allowing the pictured round to slam into it, and the overpressure blew the breech (loading area of the gun) open. There’s evidence of this by the smalĺ muzzle flash you see, which should look more like the explosion in the rear. Probably kicked the first out a few hundred yards, the second is now part of that barrel forever, and all the boom was returned in kind. This is common with poor quality ammo, if it doesn’t go boom and only goes pop, you stop. Very basic firearm training.

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