Signs of growing up…

Signs of growing up…

by Commercial_Gas_3927

  1. Tbh reading the Gallic Wars still breaks my heart.

    But I guess if your military strategy revolves around getting high and naked, and you refuse to change that no matter how many times you get your ass handed to you, sooner or later you are going to get wiped out.

  2. If they couldn’t even conquer the Irish, how great of an empire could they really be?

  3. In italian the romans were dubbed in actual roman accent/dialect so i always sided with them

  4. Pierre supports the Gauls because of little dick energy nationalism.

    I support the irreducible Gauls for maximum chaos.

    We’re not the same.

  5. The Gauls are based and eat wild boars. The French are weird and eat frogs.
    Between them is the Roman occupation. So the Romans are to blame. 

  6. Asterix detected upvote selected.

    I’m with the Gauls in this. We still call Pierre a “Gaul”. Much better than (gasp) “Frank”.

  7. Still waiting for “Asterix in Lusitania”, it’s been over 50 dam years

  8. Choose between a single village full of neurodivergent Gauls or the superior civilisation of Rome?

  9. Childhood is when you think only 1 Historic nation matters and everyone else is wrong.

    Adulthood is when you stop bitching about 1 historic dead nation and at least acknowledge others.

  10. I’ll give you another one, the Ostrogoth kingdom under Theodoric the Great was better than most of what the Roman Empire has been trough is years (had many good emperors and high points in history, but in the end it became a corrupt bunch and just that).
    The Roman Republic on the other end, those were better times

  11. ‘ate Romans
    ‘ate classicism
    ‘ate quality of life

    Luv me fish
    Luv me boar
    Luv me primitive house
    Luv me rock pile

    Simple as

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