The only paper that I can see that is backing The Tories, so far

The only paper that I can see that is backing The Tories, so far

by STerrier666

  1. AFAIK The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and The Telegraph are each backing the tories

  2. So, the only argument the tories have left is to invoke personal animus against a woman who isn’t even First Minister anymore?

    No wonder they’re on course for their biggest ever defeat.

  3. Sturgeon doing this genuinely scarred the soul of every British conservative.

  4. Jesus, is this the level of political discourse we’re at? Childish, low level garbage

  5. Just saw a post in r/europe and the (other) Daily Mail is supporting Farage. The Daily Express also says “VOTE TORY” on the front.

    Just shows how untrustworthy and duplicitous these scheming worthless Cunts in MSM are!

  6. Headlines like this should genuinely be illegal. Given up all pretence and are blatantly just telling folk what to think.

  7. Yet another paper using another party to try and get the tories in, instead of pushing their own merits ha

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