POW, right in the kisser…

Of the many playground games, typically on concrete…

by Prestigious_Bet6358

  1. Smells like a wet dog. Heavy in a down pour.
    Moves all over the place when you really get behind it.
    What a beaut!

  2. Junior school 1987, it was a wet and cold December. Completely out of blue right to the side of the head.

    I was thoroughly discombobulated.

  3. That one was ok as it was partially deflated.

    Try being in defence for the primary school team on a wet and cold wintery Saturday morning and taking a fully inflated goal bound screamer of a size 5 mitre to a cold, red thigh.

  4. That’s a soft one compared to what **we** had 😀

    Honestly, the ones at my school were like this:

    [Vintage Leather Football. 12 Panel Lace Up Old Soccer Ball. Micky. Size 4. (kraveantiques.co.uk)](https://www.kraveantiques.co.uk/products/Micky-Vintage-Leather-Football.html)

    They soaked up water and were very heavy. I can remember to this day getting one kicked full pelt against my buttock in frosty weather one morning on a school sports lesson. It’s almost still numb now!

  5. You mean these weren’t just draped over lumps of concrete or rocks to break people’s toes?

  6. Until that patch comes off and the hole is big enough to pull the bladder out of it, and you end up playing balloon football.

  7. The moment when the orange egg finally breaks free is a time of both joy and sadness.

  8. My friend Nick always got chosen to go in defense, the popular kids all were picked to be center forwards, most teams had at least 8 center forwards, at least it always looked like it, he loved it, he was superb at guessing the wrong way to run so he never got hit by that thing on a cold Decembers day.

    He sometimes sat down and watched from the sidelines till the teacher shouted at him. He always had his priorities sorted.

  9. Point blank into the thighs, cold hands after PE means I can’t pull the zip up on my trousers. Muddy trainers in the science lab and a trail of dirt through the corridors.

  10. I remember getting winded with this ball, it was horrible! The face does hurt too though!

  11. I’m my experience, it could hit me anywhere in the face at a high speed, and my nose never got bloodied from it

  12. Unfortunately I can’t find a picture of it anywhere but in primary school we had a football that was all sharp edges.

    I think the idea was that it was uncomfortable to kick hard and was used to encourage kids to work on their close passing. Like futsal training?

    Didn’t stop me from (accidentally) hoofing it in to the side of the headmasters face.

  13. Often I wouldn’t even be playing football, I’d just be walking by and somehow still get hit in the face with this. I don’t know why my face just seems to be a magnet for balls 🙁

  14. It was removed from use as we decided to use it as the ball for dodge ball run, although we kicked this and yes sometimes it went into the crowd of kids either side of the goal painted on the wall.. but that was part of the safe space so never counted.

    Also we had to use that ball after the leather cricket ball was removed, the cricket ball hurt a lot less cos my school was shit at cricket.. not so much at football or rugby.. that.. they were famous for.
    So much so its spawned a lot of rugby players.

  15. I’m pretty sure the only time I’ve been knocked out was when someone kicked one of these full pelt at my face – I just kinda found myself lying on the ground.

    Of course I never bothered to tell anyone, hopefully my brian wassn’t tooo damdeged.

  16. I was the divvy, clumsy kid that was put in goal in PE (why the goalie, superstars?). I hate this Wilson

  17. That’s amateur stuff if you’ve been hit in the face with a mouldmaster you’ll know.

  18. One of the only times I’ve been knocked out cold was getting one of these full pelt straight in the moosh as a kid in primary school. It was a bitterly cold, frosty but damp morning. Proper 80s weather, so many on this thread will remember what that ‘thwak’ felt like and sounded. I remember waking up with all the kids on the playing field surrounding me thinking I might have died. 😂

  19. It even hurt on other parts of the body. Back of the thighs, in the side, ouch!

  20. The amount of small sharp stones, thorns and dog shit that can be carried by those seams is something else.

  21. Does anyone remember when someone would bring a ball in a for whatever reason it’d just feel dead heavy and be a pain in the arse to kick?

  22. I took one of these under the chin full pelt from a kid that’s now a semi professional footballer. I’m not sure how it didn’t decapitate me, to be honest.

  23. No ball stung like a Mitre ball. Why were they so hard and stingy? What were they made of?

  24. I did that to my pregnant (with twins) auntie as a child in front of my whole family. I still feel guilty 30 years later! Worse my mum had already warned me!

  25. Also penny floaters that you could curve like Roberto Carlos on a windy day but would inevitably end up in a nearby roof, river or tree

  26. I swear there was something wrong with the 1970s. It seemed like school children were being sexual abused and physically abused and that was part of the growing up process.

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