88-jährige Großmutter eines israelischen MK in Frankreich geschlagen und als „dreckige Jüdin“ bezeichnet

88-jährige Großmutter eines israelischen MK in Frankreich geschlagen und als „dreckige Jüdin“ bezeichnet


  1. >In her complaint to police, the woman, who was not named in media reports or by Haskel, described leaving her home in Val-d’Oise, north of Paris, for a medical appointment when two men assaulted her, reports said. One of them, she said, punched her in the face, breaking her tooth and causing her to fall to the ground. She was kicked in the back as one of the men shouted “dirty Jew” and called her “a dirty old woman.”

    >The two assailants also shouted at her: “This is what you deserve.”

    >In her police complaint, the woman noted that she was wearing a Star of David necklace and that the two men may have noticed, “otherwise they wouldn’t have known” that she was Jewish, according to reports.

    >She was left with pain in her back, her knees, her shoulder, and her right wrist, and required medical treatment.

  2. *” Haskel said that the two men who attacked her grandmother were “Arab thugs.”*

    Quelle surprise

  3. I mean besides the fact the is sooo low attacking a woman of such age I wanna say that I don’t know why there’s so much hate for jews in France… but yeah we all know.

  4. This is disgusting..Are they proud they managed to overcome an 88 year old women all by themselves? I’m sure they’ll have a bright future..

  5. 88 years old. Those two “men” are the weakest fools on the planet. Won’t be long before more French cartoons are made.

  6. Damn , if only there have surveillance camera, they probably would be caught by police.

  7. Well that guarantees Le Pen is going to be in charge

    Crazy how the conservatives in the UK are about to lose power for the first time in a century, while at the same, the conservative arm of the French government is about to ascend to total power

  8. Devil advocate here

    As fearful as many are of being labelled anti Semitic. Would anyone really be committing this heinousness, if she wasn’t a “dirty jew”.

    I mean to say, the risk of being labelled an anti Semite is real. And high. So the chances they did research before arriving at this conclusion could be high.

    Lets see what happens in court of law

  9. This is disgusting. Taking your anger out of an elderly woman is the lowest you can get.

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