Robbery rate

Robbery rate

by lukalux3

  1. iN eaSterN euRoPe tHey DoN’t eVEn rEpOrt iT aNymoRe comments incoming 3…2…1

  2. It is funny that 7 out of the top 10 are french-speaking cities. Makes you think.

  3. the keyword here being “reported”. Dead men do not report anything

  4. waiting for the comments about how eastern european numbers must be falsified or sth because westoids cant bear their countries being beaten by “shithole 3rd world eastern europe”

  5. Why are there so many robberies in East Germany?. They don’t have that many migrants if we exclude Berlin.


  7. Well, if robbery isn’t punished as a crime – there would be more robberies. Who could’ve guessed?

  8. Everything has already been stolen in Eastern Europe. Nah, but seriously, no one has ever stolen anything from me in Croatia, in Germany they stole 4 bikes from me in the first 5 years, I know more people who have had their bikes stolen than not lmao

  9. shockingly, countries that let many migrants in seem to experience many robberies

  10. This map makes no sense, they’re mixing cities and regions… (at least in France)

  11. No. Theese are REPORTED robberies. Just like reported sexual assault is not the same as “amount of rapes” happening. People tend to report more if they trust the police and the legal system and that makes it more difficult to estimate how many crimes that has actually been committed.

  12. Parisian here, “per inhabitant” is not fair, try “per tourist” !!

    Never had any problems for 20+ years tho

  13. Only logical explanation is: Romanians already stole everything in Eastern Europe and now are working in Western Europe.

  14. I’m from Balkans and I was never robbed there, not even close.
    On my second day in Barcelona my rental cars window was broken and luggage stolen from the trunk while we were on lunch.

  15. Cote d’azur, Ligurian coasts etc are full of holiday houses in the middle of nowhere that none live in for 90% of the year, those are very easy targets

  16. I think the key word here is “REPORTED”. Who knows how many unreported ones are.

  17. The most visited city in the world with tens of millions of tourists per year is the victim of a high robbery rate ?! Uncanny !

  18. Polish man says:
    “Oh Germany, how the tables have turned”.

    A bit of background:
    In recent decades Germans used to call Poles thieves and used to make a lot of jokes about it.
    To be fair the reasons were justified. However I find it ironic how things changed over time.

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