Italians, explain yourself

Italians, explain yourself

by heastgschissana

  1. It’s called “orecchia di elefante” it’s a traditional smog breather’s dish

  2. As much as I like panino con la cotoletta (polentone representing) the bread looks carbonized and whoever came up with the fries idea (you can see them in other sandwiches) needs to be deported, pronto, autogrill isn’t supposed to be tesco.

  3. When they go for size then you know that they have to copensate for shitty taste. That Schnitzel looks horrible

  4. The Schnitzel looks a bit sad and fries are for children but other than that it’s pretty much the same concept as a Schnitzelsemmel.

  5. Definitely not a crostone rustico.

    Smells like stuff from 2nd or 3d tier “Autogrill” like MyChef or Sarni 💀

  6. Seems like a fun, delicious twist on a portuguese classic:


    Approved (though I do wish it weren’t so obviously low quality)

  7. No, please don’t explain. I don’t even want to hear it

    For sure there is even a pineapple inside.

  8. Looks like autogrill stuff

    We don’t claim autogrill as Italian or as “food”

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