Americans feel the economy is working against them. How we can speed up economic growth.

Americans feel the economy is working against them. How we can speed up economic growth.

by GetRichQuickSchemer_

  1. Having a bunch of people continue to hoard massive amounts of money that will never be spent by them and their families across multiple lifetimes might have something to do with it.

  2. **How can we speed up economic growth?**

    Simple, eliminate all the things that are a drag on the economy

    1) High energy costs,

    2) High corporate taxes,

    3) High regulatory compliance costs

    4) unfair trade practices

    5) high interest costs (cost of capital)

    6) reduced productivity.

  3. Economic growth is not the problem, it’s the way that economic growth is occurring that is. Despite what recessions do to the economy in the short term, it does have the benefit of flushing out a lot of inefficiencies, bad actors (like Bernie Madoff getting caught during 2008), resetting supply and demand, and having investors to really think about valuations and revenues. Or in the words of Warren Buffet, “When the tide goes out, that’s when you see who’s been swimming naked.”

  4. Apparently the answer is more money. And debt. Lots of debt. Washington to the rescue.

  5. Elect Trump/Flynn 2024. They will grease the skids of the economy with the fat of traitors.

  6. It’s simple, get paid a fair wage, comisurate with current inflation always.

  7. Economic growth isn’t doing it. Most people’s lives will not improve an iota just because the stocks go up

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