WW2 Era Letter Written by German Prisoner Of War In Cheshire, England. He Mentions Political Interrogations. Details in comments.

WW2 Era Letter Written by German Prisoner Of War In Cheshire, England. He Mentions Political Interrogations. Details in comments.

by Heartfeltzero

1 comment
  1. This letter was written by a German Prisoner of War named Hans Borchardt. He was imprisoned in the British POW/Satellite camp in Walgherton, Cheshire, England. There were about 20 camps in Cheshire. He had been captured sometime during the war and kept in the UK. German POW’s often did farm work all throughout the U.K. The letter reads:

    “ Walgherton, 20 May 1947

    Dear mother, all my beloved ones!
    Lately, your dear letters of April 16, 26 and 21 have reached me with great joy. Thank you very much for your diligent writing. I am happy to receive any mail, but especially if it is mail from home.

    I hope that these lines will reach you in the best of health. In a few days it will be Pentecost, the beautiful festival of spring, and my thoughts will be especially with you during these days. We, too, will make these holidays as pleasant as possible. Our kitchen will bake cakes and I still have some coffee, so it will be enough to make a festive mocha.

    I was very happy about Georg’s card and even more so that I know that he has received all my cards. I immediately wrote a detailed letter to him and I hope he will receive it.

    Yes, I always emphasize whether it is right to keep this sad event a secret from Georg. I don’t know. If Georg finds out about it in captivity, he will be able to get over it more easily than if he only learns about it at home and suddenly all his hopes collapse.

    Again, if you write letters to him, please let me know. What does Mr. Beer think about this? I’m not going to write about it from here, of course, because it would look stupid.

    What did you find from my many photographs and books? Is there at least something left? In my written belongings, I also had a letter from the NSDAP Hitler Youth in the folder, in which the Bannführer informed me that I could not join the party. This letter would serve me well in my political interrogation. Is it still there?

    I received a message from the lady from London that she sent a 7 pound parcel to you on 5.4.47. Hopefully you will receive it and if so, please write me back immediately. Happy Pentecost greetings and all the best, Yours,
    Hans “

    Hans would at some point be returned to Germany. The last German prisoners of war were repatriated from the UK in 1948. The majority had returned by the end of 1947, but some stayed until mid-1948 due to administrative processes and labor agreements.

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