Near Toretsk, the Russians attacked an evacuation car of police paramedics with an FPV drone (more info in comments)

Can someone translate?

by CupCharacter853

  1. Found the video on the channel of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is the description:

    ๐Ÿ‘ฎ Near Toretsk, the Russians attacked an evacuation car of police paramedics.

    Police arrived on the front line to save a woman with a stroke and her husband. At that moment, an enemy projectile hit the cab of the car, injuring two paramedics. The couple remained unharmed.

    โœ”๏ธ A flash, a shock wave, a barrage of shrapnel. We were lucky that the doors of our armored car did not get jammed – otherwise we would have burned,” recalls paramedic Ruslan Gubanov, known by the nickname “Kasper”.

    Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ruslan has already saved more than 160 people and has no plans to stop. Both paramedics are currently undergoing treatment and aim to return to duty as soon as possible.

    ๐Ÿ™ We wish the boys a speedy recovery!

    โ• We would like to remind that the evacuation of residents is ongoing in the Toretsk community. 711 people have already been evacuated.

  2. Man he was leaking like a sieve and yet he was still able to hustle out of there and keep his wits about him. Fucking tough dude

  3. first thing he does is apply a tourniquet. Then puts on the israeli bandage. Simple first aid training like this saves a lot of battle field fatalities. Untreated / poorly treated extremity injuries account for a significant number of deaths because of blood loss and secondary complications. I love seeing that Ukraine has really put in the work to train everyone on combat first aid.

  4. Heroyam slava i wish for fast recovery๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ™

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