Ukraine is the heir to America’s revolutionary fight for liberty and liberation

Ukraine is the heir to America’s revolutionary fight for liberty and liberation

by SarahCirillo

  1. That’s pretty clear to me

    I live in a country in the periphery of the global west

    And there’s no doubt on who are the bad guys

    When was on its way to be a fully westernized liberal democracy, ruled by the law and governed by the people for the people

    The other is a remnant of a communist dictatorship with limited individual freedom

    The second one invaded the sovereign borders of the first one

  2. Ukraine is resurrecting the spirit of what America was founded on – a passion for freedom and self determination. As an American it is inspiring and I pray we in America give our all to Ukraine and that we also never forget how precious and fragile freedom is. Go Ukraine!

  3. My country is simply the greybeard. Or I should say, one of the greybeards.

    The demand for liberty and autonomy and consent of the governed is the basso continuo of modern history.

    It’s a chorale group, not a soloist. Especially at the finale.

  4. I’ve been saying it for a while but to me Ukraine is the home of the free and the land of the brave.

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