Rebecca Joynes: Teacher who had sex with two schoolboys jailed for six and a half years

Rebecca Joynes: Teacher who had sex with two schoolboys jailed for six and a half years

by topotaul

  1. Pleasantly surprised by the length of the sentence. Hopefully it acts as a deterrent.

  2. Uses her position as a teacher to sexually abuse two boys, described as controlling, yet still gets visitation three times a week with the baby she had with one of them.

  3. I just don’t get the sentencing in this country, 6 years is a great result. But I’ve seen rapists who raped more who got less time, how does this even work?

  4. On the subject of female teachers abusing schoolboys, I can’t recommend the book Seventeen by Joe Gibson highly enough. 

    It’d be an eye-opener for anybody who has any doubts about how much of a number this kind of “consensual” abuse can do on a person’s psychology.

  5. Her and Lucy Letby being front page news on the same day really shows the dangers of women faced by children and boys today.

    What can society do to protect vulnerable people from women? Enough is enough.

  6. Can the UK change what rape means to match the rest of the world, as this is rape not sex.

  7. It’s insane how she told one of the boys he is a father…

    If she had any sense whatsoever she would’ve had an abortion or simply told nobody who the father was… but no… she made the sort of reveal that would only be appropriate in a long term relationship after you’ve been intentionally trying for a baby for a while…

  8. Let’s hope she isn’t sent to Wandsworth or we could be watching more videos next week!

  9. Once again mental health issues at play.

    A lot of people saying she raped the guys, but I’m so uncomfortable with labelling it as that as it’s clearly an ill woman.

    Like, describing the situation as “raping two boys” frames it in such a bizarre way. This case is way more complicated than a predatory teacher and two vulnerable children.

  10. She groomed and raped them…why are headlines so casual when the perpetrator is a woman.

  11. > Pupils would refer to Joynes as “Bunda (slang for bottom) Becky”, the court was told.
    > Both of the boys she had sex with sent her flirty messages on Snapchat and hid them from their parents.

    The press would never dare write anything like this if the sexes had been reversed.

  12. I know I’m probably looking at this from the wrong angle, but as someone that was a 15 year old boy once, what do they have to offer anyone? What was she thinking?

  13. Cannot for the life of me understand getting pregnant, let alone sex with minors. Clearly a deterrent message 🙄.

  14. I think there’s a small typo there. Surely they meant “Teacher who raped two schoolboys”.

  15. What’s shocking to me is how many people online are fine with it and think if this happens to boys it’s cool, but not girls, even though they mature mentally and physically faster, but the point is it’s NEVER okay. This is abuse. Whether you think it’s cool or not it’s still abuse.

  16. Only six and a half years? Wouldn’t it have been longer if she’d been a man and the victims girls?

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