Bloody Scandinavian showdown in the center of Split, Croatia – Norwegians and Swedes fought en masse

Bloody Scandinavian showdown in the center of Split, Croatia – Norwegians and Swedes fought en masse

by egalit_with_mt_hands

  1. >Two groups of young Swedes and Norwegians clashed on Thursday in the early hours of the morning at Radić Brothers Square in Split, reports the Split-Dalmatia Police Department.

    >The police detained 18 foreign citizens under the influence of alcohol for their participation in the conflict. Research is being conducted on them.

    >One participant of the event suffered a serious nose injury. He was given medical attention.

  2. That’s what you get by letting in 1000s of uneducated young men from backward nations 🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. We all know we have an obligation to beat up Swedes when they cross certain lines. Such has been law for Norwegians and Danes alike for millennias.

  4. Disgraceful EU rules and wokesim that lets the doors open and allows anyone to come . We don’t want your culture here and you’re going to destroy our peaceful way of life /s

  5. Argh, always those young men from foreign backwater countries stirring up the shite! We should never let those non EU crowds invade our countries! /s

    Hope you had fun folks and no one is seriously injured. Enjoy your holidays.

  6. That is what we deserve for allowing savages into one of the most peaceful cities in the world

  7. Have I understood correctly that one broken nose within 18 participants of a brawl is the level of scandinavian violence you should expect normally?

  8. The Nords are so sick of being on the top of every development index, so they go south to let their id run wild.

  9. It is fine, as long as Germanic tribes fight each other. What starts on other side of the Alps, stays there, right?

  10. I for one am shocked and shaken to the core.

    We Brits may be known for the occasional light-hearted scuffle but we’re just being cheeky after a couple of pints. Not like these Nordic beasts, they’re out of control!

  11. Such dumb and bad behaviour.

    The countries share a border. Have your drunken white thrash fights there. Not in a country where you are a guest in.

    No wonder tourists get a bad rep if they act in this way and this kind of asinine behaviour is as accepted as these comments make it out to be.

  12. Surely the varangians would just round up the slavs and take them to market in constantinople and baghdad ?

  13. Why are nordics so prone to sensationalism and then in the real workd they behave like cowards?.

  14. Bloody Balkan showdown in the center of Stockholm: Serbs and Croats fought en masse

    – barbarians, genocidal brutes can’t keep it to themselves for once. Cancer of Europe

    Bloody Scandinavian showdown in the center of Split: Norwegians and Swedes fought en masse

    – hahah silly drunk boys having a good old time!


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