‘Establish equality’ and conscript women into army, says German general

‘Establish equality’ and conscript women into army, says German general


by TheTelegraph

  1. **From The Telegraph:**

    A German general said women should be conscripted into the armed forces as part of plans to revive national service and counter Russian aggression.

    Carsten Breuer, the Bundeswehr chief of defence, said that in the interests of equality women should be drafted into the army and that national service for both sexes should be compulsory.

    “We have at present a suspended military service, which according to the Basic Law is aimed only at the male population. We should establish equality here, but first we need a corresponding political and social discussion,” he said in an interview with news outlet Redaktionsnetzwerk.

    Germany is on a mission to expand its army, with ambitions to become Europe’s biggest military spender.

    Last month officials released a 67-page document outlining how the outbreak of war would affect civilians, in particular those in professions that can support the army.

    Gen Breuer said Germany needed 100,000 volunteers for an effective conscription force but it would struggle unless national service was made compulsory.

    Germany ended conscription in 2011 as part of a reform that sought to downsize the army and professionalise the remaining soldiers. It was also unpopular among Germans, with many opting for civilian national service duties.

    But the Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered a Zeitenwende, or turning of the times, in German foreign **policy amid concerns that a conflict with Moscow could break out within the next five to seven years.**

    **More here:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/07/04/conscript-women-into-army-says-german-general/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/07/04/conscript-women-into-army-says-german-general/)

  2. Good start. Time to bring to an end women’s pick and choose version of equality

  3. Well. We would need to change the constitution to draft women. And guess who would block this as soon as possible, like they tried to block anything useful our government did?

  4. Good thing.

    The most important thing is for everyone to be treated the same, then we’ll all have to be adults about how we approach conscription, or its absence.

  5. Maybe… draft no-one? Stopping giving weird oligarchs the right to unconditionally get the nation’s kids murdered. If the war is crucial to national defense, people will enlist/commission voluntarily; if it’s some nonsense proxy fight… oh well, guess no blood for the warpigd

  6. Yes and no. Imo something like 3 months service with focus on crisis management (survival skills, taking care of civil population, support roles in army) is preferable. Germany has so big population that they don’t really need millions of new soldiers in the front line. 

    I’m a conscript myself and pragmatic enough not to care about potential “unfairness” of giving one gender more responsibilities according to their physical abilities.

  7. “A german general”

    He’s literally the highest ranked member of the Bundeswehr lol

  8. Either we all should go, or no one should go.

    My life isn’t worth less than that of a woman’s. I’m sorry but you can’t convince me otherwise. We’re all equal.

  9. Well, yeah. There are a ton of roles in a military besides combat.

  10. I know this will be controversial in these parts, but I disagree.

    Women are the only ones capable of having children. In a serious wartime scenario (I am talking a real conventional and potentially nuclear war, not a bullshit proxy war/special operation/police action), you do NOT want the means of reproduction to be lost. If a major war results in major population loss, you want a nation to have the ability to repopulate itself, otherwise there will be no nation. If you have one man and ten women, a society can repopulate itself. But the reverse is not true. A land without a people means the nation ceases to exist and is ripe for the taking.

    Sorry (but not really, fuck off actually) to all the feminists, anti-feminists, incels, SJWs, and equality merchants: women are the only ones able to carry children and birth them. They must be shielded from the front lines during a real war.

  11. This is not about gender, this is about conscription. The division between genders gets people engaged and brings conscription into normal discussion. What was unthinkable (Forced conscription) before becomes mainstream, as people take sides that „women should be conscripted“ too or „should not be conscripted“, they utter this and normalize the thought of anyone being conscripted

  12. Well, not every job in the army consists of getting turned into red mist, and even basic crisis management courses can help a lot to be prepared in times of war.

    I personally just don’t think that *any* compulsory service would work in Germany anymore.

    It’s not something you can take away and then expect to return with no trouble.

  13. I would be curious about perspectives from women or nonbinary people about this. Anybody?

  14. Oh so now they want ” equality ” ??? funny, when we want rights over our own reproductive sistems its a whole ass battle for generations, when we want equal pay, and human rights, its ” extremism ”

    Funy af

  15. Before anyone throws a hissy fit, not every soldier fights on the frontline, there are things like logistics, administration and other rear echelon stuff.

  16. Conscripting women seems like an excellent way to make sure any devastating war you end up fighting ruins your country for several generations. Theres a reason women were always left home, so they could repopulate the country to make up for all the dead soldiers.

  17. When we as women have our own rights and decisions to our reproductive sistems, when he have proper health care , equal pay, when children marriagues cease to exist, when generational trauma of having to deal with men’s assault and harrassment finally end because ” what was she wearing ” , when we as women finally are able to walk the streets without being at hight risk of being SA’d , or the justice sistem actually believes women and protects them and punishes these rapists with prision for life instead of being like ” oh but they have so much life ahead of them “, when women finally are not expected to act as a mother/wife/maid at the same time in marriagues…

    When violence against women is completly dealt with and abolished, THEN, and only THEN maybe we can talk about military service you fcks !

  18. Excellent. Next, make the retirement age the same. You can’t eat your cake and have it too.

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