Frontline Starts To Collapse As Russia Opens Multiple New Fronts – Ukraine War Map Update News

Frontline Starts To Collapse As Russia Opens Multiple New Fronts – Ukraine War Map Update News

Legends I hope that you’re having a fantastic day now straight off the bat I’m not at home where am I well I’m in Northern Israel for if there is an operation across into Lebanon and what may happen in the Middle East if that then occurs so I’m here in case something then goes down you may know that my trip here was shocking they lost my bags everything so far has gone wrong now why am I not on the other side why am I not in Lebanon that may be your first question I’m going to go over this more in a video but I reached out to a few people wanting to go there with my military service and previously being in Israel and being a public figure and not being able to hide that I’ve been here and or deployed one Google would trip me up I was strongly advised by people over there do not go it may not go well for you so just straight off the bat we’re going to talk about Ukraine we’re going to look at fighter aircraft and they how that’s been really bad for Ukraine and the front line is really collapsing in then a lot of spot let me fix my Sam suig style microphone so we’re going to look over that gead footage some photographs some claims a little bit of everything what I want to say right in the beginning is yes I know you guys watch these videos and the maps and this and that but I like to be on the ground doing work as well and if you want to support me and the work being on the ground like this and continuing to be able to do it the links down below they help me out so much also your views of course that helps as well so it really helps me being able to maintain doing this and doing stuff like that into the future Shameless plug right there now if it’s a little bit more messy than usual I’m looking down at some notes I have here but let’s have a look at where the front Line’s moving after we have a look at some claims and some things that have been taken out and why this may be having been more effect so look uh about four or five days ago we got reports from Ukrainian accounts saying that down in Crimea an S500 was taken out of course s200 300 400 you get it uh anyway we haven’t seen any of this but all the Ukrainian Pages sharing this an image was shared allegedly showing clust hitting an S500 now Divas artillery group has said on their thing a cluster hit the radar of S500 the video as we read earlier is available but there is no permission to publish it now why would there be no permission to publish this well it could be in a few ways one using a new weapon system of which you don’t want that is there or a drone you know that but if we look at oam’s raise Theory I’d say no matter regardless of what that footage shows of a new weapon or new tactic being used is not going to be as beneficial because it’s going to be found out by other means as the information to release that that has then been taken out the propaganda Victory there so until we see the footage I am question questioning it like with everything you should question it regardless of who’s releasing it because we know the mods have been stuck in many them lies before now many are asking where they the f-16s are when are they coming and I believe Ukraine need to sort out these aircraft getting destroyed on the ground before they come in the worst place for one of those to get destroyed for the informational everything is on the ground although probably actually the most likely spot Ukraine has taken out Su 57s on the ground one of them at least hasn’t taken any out any in the air we’re probably going to see that with Advanced aircraft on the other side but so we had this incident with the Sue 27s now s27 was destroyed at the minad air base here we have seen multiple successful strikes by Russia against this base before you can just get an idea of where this is let’s have a look then at the footage now it depends who you watch and listen to on the claims this will be on the telegram if you’d like to watch it back this is a few days old but I have a few days to catch up on we do see several aircraft sitting out in the open on the ground here as you can see now Ukraine is saying that one was destroyed Russia is saying then two were destroyed and four were damaged and as you can see drone in the air F bomber has published this and then you can see strikes then against these aircraft now as well this points out that the last place people are going to want f16s then uh damage to estro is on the ground you can see then these cluster Munitions being dropped in here and then more strikes against other aircraft here so we at least know one was taken out but then multiple Su 27s which are an advanced aircraft in Ukraine’s Arsenal at the moment as far as what they have currently on the ground and then we see just today more footage to that Russia has over than this air base near cvy R so you can get an idea of where this is so just to the south of where then we were speaking and R are claiming that one mig29 was taken out and two Sue 25s then were damaged you can see that there’s some drone protection over the top of some of these then aircraft now I know people will point out straight away are these dummies are these decoys look it’s almost impossible to know but we do know some damage is being done to these as well like I’ve said every time the drones and Russia’s ability to do this that is concerning part of this not exactly what has been taken out on the ground cuz if they can start hitting these Logistics better and better it’s going to cause more issues it’s going to delay those f16s unless Ukraine can get on top of that I think there’s going to be a bit of a pause on those now Yuri Air Force spokesman has confirmed some of this it’s a war unfortunately not without loss of Technology attribute the gains to a bunch of boards into 207 there all the time not everything is scary Air Force is doing everything can to cter the enemy mislead the enemy including mockups and other means so look there’s some claims that to try and shift away away from exactly what was what we do know is Ukraine is not having much success at the moment with its aircraft on the ground regardless if it was two taken out three taken out who whoever which way you’re going to lean the drones in the air over over the air base and missiles hitting it clusters whatever even if that is then a decoy that is still a really really big issue that Ukraine’s going to have to then get on top of let me have a look at my notes am I missing anything no right here we go well the front line has started to collapse not only this Russia has opened a new front line uh well new axes now let me talk on attritional war Frontline collapse I think a lot of people are thinking just in a day you just going bang bang bang like we saw in hak hon in Ukraine’s favor like we saw maybe in the beginning for Russia I don’t believe that we will see that at any point regardless of how defeated one or the other side may be in the concepts doctrines of the nutritional Warfare you never want to move too fast you can get cut off you want to stay within that bubble of influence so I think regardless of what the other side is doing I think we’ll only see this pushing of a few hundred meters a few kilometers at a time to stay in that ew to stay in that bubble of artillery your fires and move up even if they’re moving rearwards faster you just that grind forward it’s very very difficult to counter now one thing I will say in this this has changed sweet uh I’m not fully over it yet but let’s have a go for it of course here’s Ukraine the Cent to the capital of ke the red areas occupied since 22 the purple since 14 and of course this white these are then the defensive works now we want to come up into the North First here now belgrad and H here we see the two Crossings here and then we actually have a third that Russia has then pushed across and opened up between the third and the fourth opening then this new front here I don’t know why they don’t have this in then red check I sometimes think is this not to is to draw ey so people don’t see it as easily I don’t know but Russia has opened a new front here this is concerning we also need to speak about New York because what happened there is almost exactly of what I said in the other day now this has been confirmed Syria situation hary last sou Russ Army managed to capture the Border locality opening a third AIS H ablast the opening of the aess in case it develops will make distribution of Ukrainian resources even more difficult which will have to move new units of materials to contain this Advance due to the enormous presence of defenses in the old blast and the Russian numerical inferiority there so not as many Russians and there is buildup of defensive Works a major Advance towards the interior of H is not expected on the other hand russan continue to open more access along the border attempts to penetrate these areas in Sumi to confirm the tendency so exactly what we’ve been saying in here is Russia will open up these other areas even if they just come in a few Cas Ukraine and the way Ukraine operate they’re so concerned on Optics will have to plug that and want to then push this back just like these we spoke about was probably the best here just to let Russia take this two your defensive line and they won’t move forward but Ukraine we’ve seen as chosen to deploy heaps of soldiers in here and push this back not only reserves but people of other fronts and those other fronts are now suffering because of this Russia with new amical Advantage just overall but not advantage in this area in numerical numbers I believe just open up new fronts and just draw sort of that cat and mouse game of opening areas now we need to have a look at War mapper now he does these but what I will say about war mappa and someone was inboxing me about this today one of my trusted guys was saying this these numbers are not war is so conservative towards any Russian game it is more than this and deep State itself shows more than this but you can see then the Russian gains here 200 over 200 square m in May which is around about what Ukraine made back in June that said war mappa is very very conservative towards any Russian game but I do like that those graphs I wish we’d get more of those now where I want to come straight off back cuz half you clicking off by now but I want to come down into the New York front now I actually reviewed my video from last time and what I said was to keep an eye here because of into uh Tores and push into New York itself and this is exactly then what we have seen now I’m going to miss some areas on this map but we need to just go with it so I think I last spoke to you about then the 30th yes I did you can see oser at KN down here so let’s step up then we see to the second not much to the third we see the gray Zone then shift up into New York then the second Map update we’ll talk abouty but we can see this movement into New York and then by the fourth we can see and we just work off this that uh Russia has come basically onto the outskirts of New York and of course more of a push closing up into tety as well again once you’re’ closing this it’s more difficult when this was just a single Spire out like this it’s can get cut off you can get overextended Russia has then closed this between DKI and shumi as well as up here why these are important well you’ve got 2014 defensive Works in here works that now have fallen that have been under control for now 10 years now this is all backed up as well through suriak Maps we’re going to go through all of this but we’ll get an IDE so this is the push up into then New York so that Northern push as well working on this pins just to the east of here as well but what you can see on this is you’re still looking at a change in the uh locality Gap so this is just talking up in this area here now he’s shown that Russian soldiers are right up to this turn here but there’s still some level of Gap here between where elements are and could get cut off now we come up to then the most recent and he is saying Sur today Russian army continue advancing inside peny taking control over the houses of these neighborhood and the high buildings of the central micro District so confirming this same advancement here closing this up now overall this looks very similar but doesn’t show the man of push into Pia here this is becoming an issue and we said this the other day these pinces these closing up on this front line of course between Buck mood and have divka and what I believe Russia’s doing I don’t know where their main effort actually is I think their main effort is asery cu they want to cut off this road that runs into Constantin niia to then inhibit supplies all the way down into these areas as well as into bu mood I think that is their main front but you’re doing what ational Warfare Doctrine would be especially if you’ve got new Miracle Advantage many front lines you open on many front lines keep the enemy on their toes running around trying to plug holes and you just grind forward that is what the doctrine as far as my experience then says so that New York that is very interesting this what Sy says the breach of Ukrainian defenses at New York reflect the harsh reality of Ukrainian forces at the front the front is not continuous due to the lack of troops that is already beginning to show the opening of the northern front has diverted the units that Ukrainian Army needed to maintain the 2014 defense line defensive system sorry the Russian forces have taken advantage of this deficiency to reactivate these axes and penetrate the urban agglomerations west of Goa Russian troops will continue to press from these axes simultaneously with the shassy and poos axes to create a new cauldron that will eventually lead to the Battle of Constantin nkia so Sur there talking about this battle of constantina of course this leads into katos and the Don bass areas at which Russia ultimately in their sort of overall order of this war will then want to get now I’m going to be a little bit all over the map but let’s just push while we’re in this area we’ll come just to the North and then shiv bmot kishia will look at some footage in here too now this has changed dramatically because we have seen a Ukrainian withdrawal Russian advancement in here now what we can see we’re looking at the micro District here for chass up to the second we see the gray Zone then to the third and then to the fourth so let’s click that one there you can see this close up right up to where the reservoir runs through here and Russia has got this area now we know this area it’s been gray for a long time in here but this is interesting to see as this has closed up and the first areas of chass OFA this first Market has come completely then under Russian control now let’s look at this we’ll talk about and have a look at some footage here too so this is showing just to the north of here where Russia has got control in here similar is but slightly different this is showing more near n as well is being closed up but overall the map is showing fairly similar you can see where the train line runs so he’s saying this gray Zone here is red and then as well just then to then the north of here as well he’s saying that there is more Russian control pushing out to let’s read what he said CH V Russian army intensified its attacks and Sloan Direction hka where the troops sees several fortifications so heading out into herv here and of course on the way trying to get to Kor and to get the Heights in here as we know in this area the hills get less and less the further west you push so the advantage is is where Ukraine had when bakut was still under their control because they could have all their guns in defay positions as this moves more West the ground is going to flatten out if flat ground gives it’s not doesn’t give Advantage but you want to fight in more close terrain if you are the smaller Force so I see Ukraine is very deadly in somewh like the kar Forest because you can work with higher trained less people opposed to if you’ve got more par maybe lower train that said in chass OFA the guys I speak to here they are coming up against apparently some really good Russian units led by either X Vagner vdv or Smiths as guys you’re mixed in with smaller platoons of normal Russian soldiers and leading those and Performing well there that’s the guys I speak to on the ground in here let’s have a look at then a geolocation in then this micro District just down to uh the southern side here and then we see a video here of Russia then raising their flag in these destroyed buildings here but have captured areas there a hell hell of a lot of fighting now ultimately this is the last map we get and that this area down to the South has closed up as well now this is showing fairly similar but just a further close up down into where these tree lines are but this does look very different down towards kishka you can you can’t get a full idea down here but Russia have more control over there according according to Surak now let’s have a look at this this let’s have a look where this road runs down here Kish livka and then the train line so what we’re looking for is Kish livka train line road down here so right right on about where my cursor is there that’s where we get this then jail location here by EJ Shahid and then we get that the Ukrainian 93rd uh Brigade I can’t share this video but are storming Russian positions here now I say Russian positions here that should then be at least red if you’ve got a position that is red if you just presence of troops great but that may be read down into here Surak is saying that it’s more you know he’s suggesting it’s more something like this in this area of course that puts a lot of pressure down to the south of here in the areas we then just spoke about now let’s just come down to the south of here so we done Bak we’ve done pet New York now this is the osher rney ad divka front as well we have seen some significant changes in here we last spoke on then the 30th we saw this then close up that was a lot I believe 1 and 1 12 km in a day furthermore we then see the next day year near near sorry yiva we see further Russian advancement then the next day it’s hard to not get your eye tracking up to New York and then more push along the train line this road as well just to the north of where we then spoke and then till today being the fourth a close out of Y hiar soill front of course this is exactly like I’ve said we will see these open grounds fall very fast because the ability to defend open ground is going to be very difficult rather than these Urban environments so Russia is pushing through Urban to urban center and these open grounds such between yiva n um noiva in these I believe will fall fairly rapidly because of the ability to defend it but it’s also very hard for Russia to push through there if it was to be defended it’s open ground but you don’t want to be defending open ground if you’re fighting against a num numerically Superior enemy with more artillery so this is what we’re seeing on the ground maintain here like I’ve spoken about believe Russia want to influence poov this is their main influence now because so much of this is coming down into areas like New York actually let me zoom out because this gives you a better than idea so what Russia really want is eventually content niia in front what they want short term is poov they want to then influence the supply lines and Roads that run into constantina and then down to New York now these roads aren’t great I can’t see them from here but there is a road just out intersection I believe Russia will want to have effect on the supply of this it’s going to take longer needs to go a different way this will also affect then chassid y that is shortterm what they want as well the further they push out on these fronts the further in they can then bring things like s34 they can bring their artillery pieces up and the further and further they push in to here the further and further closer and closer then their artillery and Fabs will be able to hit poov itself now Fabs definitely can hit poov but their artillery is probably still out of out of range or at least some of it will be out of range I believe they want to push that forward put this under Fire and it creates a lot more issues in here for then Ukraine so let’s just have a quick look and I’m not going to go through all these updates but we’ll look through sux so this is down at these two then reservoirs here like we have said that this will start closing up now Surak is showing that both to the South and the north here here now this is if you’ve seen my video and Mr combat veteran where he said the Russians will get stuck in here I said I believe that it could actually be the opposite that if Russia can close off this and obviously is closed off this the ukrainians may have one way out of here could cause a huge issue this is looking like what is at least occurring on this map or has occurred being if you look at the suriak that is then a further problem we have then the next update here and it’s showing then Russia pushing into here similarly to what I’d said open ground Ukraine will have to pull out of there if they’re getting pinched down in here now we start moving North just a little bit I’m going to flow through these because then the uh deep state map showed this this was the first movement then we saw then further push this is this movement down in here but see here this advancement pushing for this intersection that I believe that Russia are moving for force moving down then this train line here filling out these uh directions Prez fairly close between then the two maps and then we get to the map of today and showing it’s fairly similar I’m not going to go needle picking down in here but fairly similar in these directions but expanding that front more having more of than control and an issue of what is happening there for Ukraine this is a difficult situation to try and stop then the momentum that Russia does have now vve chance there’s no change in here for a while on either of these fronts not showing anything and still shows this disconnect which I there may be some level of control disconnect but there could not not be any logistical Supply to there are a few days they would have got rolled and it’s now been a few weeks but Surak has one update then on this Western push here hary vaxis during the last 5 days Russian army managed to reestablish defense line of hoki and shell heavily the Ukrainian Army trenches system saying that Russia has at least started to move maybe back in here and pushing so you can see this is where this row turns out talking just up in here no confirmation on that but it does look like Ukraine and Russia are committing to both of these front lines now let’s have a look down the map just a little bit so we’re come in the northeastern sort of pocket up in here we’re looking for yahney TOA so this is yahney here I’m still not used to the new map now let’s have a look so it does say that Russ uh Russia has had an advancement just out in this direction here now let’s just have a quick look on deep State and see if this has been shown over the last days no then it hasn’t been but that is what Surak is showing on his map now we’ll just move down to miva just a little bit I believe there was some movement right here somewhere the other day no am I wrong I’m think I know that’s what I’m thinking of this spy push out to the second so better stovi we see as some gray and justtin here that Russia made some ground in there as well then we come down to miva is anything being shown here yes it is so up to the second what have I done and then to then the there so we see that Russia has made some ground and then closed up that as well in mka now this is shown as well by then suriak but it does show very different because of there the push on the south is far less detached than it may show on this and far more further over this road into Mya see it’s Crossing regardless it does show we can confirm that there is definitely some movement here now let’s push down the map a little bit now I’m just going to have a look no no changes in here we do see this of course then turning green because it’s been there over 2 weeks then Thea spery front no changes in here this is still somewhere really to keep your eye on for the envelopment in here as well we’ve looked at these fronts now there was front here let’s have a look here no changes shown sorry there is a change shown I was on the wrong one so we’ll talk about nilki in a second then we see to that one we see this control out from here this is very similar to what Sur has been showing then for a while in here but we can confirm this as well that has been further Russian advancement into kariva these are now showing very similar between deep State and then the Ukrainian uh sorry and the suriak map as well we can see as well nelski a crossing for Russia up into here pushing that further closing this further development this open ground here too may come under some pressure as well now let’s go this ugad front I’m just going to have a quick look see any changes in here no nothing really to speak of then we come this is an area I said to keep an eye another look because of Russia pushing into herova constantina Mark two in here and piskov this road is under then shell Fire Control it will put this area in Jeopardy we have seen similar to this I don’t want to say I told you so but oh my God but there’s some predictions which are coming true this is then confirmed by suriak map here reaching positions 3ks towards toward ladar this is becoming an issue for this road as Russia continue to advance in here now let’s come just to the west of here we’re down now in the South now starski uh this front we have seen some movement here recently from Russia not too much in the past few days although suriak does say differently to this so let’s have a look at what he is shown so star MOSI this where this road that turns out to the left here this is where oh sorry this is the road so uh cak map is showing that this is more coming under control here trying to recapture this defensive line that Russia lost in Ukraine’s 22 counter offensive you can see these lines this is what Russia will want if they get those back a lot of the cost of that offensive then people will look at and go what was in the point of it now let’s just have a look down to to then the west of here I don’t believe there’s any other major changes it is worth this Julio pole keep an eye out here this would be an important area no Chang in drop B now let’s see if we have any changes here around this lob front now no changes but I believe Surak made a map correction just in here he did so if we zoom in so near L that just in here that map modifications are made showing Ukrainian Army control of then these positions still in the same position as here so very interesting now I didn’t check it in my before this is an area I just don’t not know what is occurring down in here some are saying that Ukraine has pushed back of cranky some are saying they haven’t regardless I don’t know now Legends I just want to say I do apologize for quality of this if it isn’t as good as usual but again if you want to support me you want to support my being on the ground work consider I guess you know there’s patreon there’s PayPal there’s watching this through there’s whatever you’d like to do but I really appreciate you guys being here uh Tak the time out of your day to watch me so have a great day and I’ll speak to you tomorrow thank you bye-bye

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Russia doesn't make several new fronts, and they are not taking much ground at all. This is pure russian war propaganda. In 9 months the russian has taken 890 km2 which is 0,03% of Ukrains'es legally recognized territory. This is done at a very high cost, especially in manpower, but also in material. Look at the number for lost russian tanks at Oryx.

  2. Aw man he's still uploading…. was hoping it's over.
    Now he can continue to feed his low IQ community.. so sad. All these freaks, living in the West but wanna suck Putins Schlong like nobody else on planet earth.
    Why don't you freaks move to 'Trad'-Russia? Seems like you love a Asiatic-Multi-Culti Sh**hole. 🫵😂

    Russia will never win this war.
    Cope some more. 🤣

  3. Russia will COLLAPSE as Time is Not on PUTINs Side RUSSIAN GDP GROWING …. SMOKE & MIRRORS Russian GDP is Up as Putin is Spending the Money on Military Equipment which is Turned into Scrap Metal in Ukraine …There is No Profit or Return on this Money and Eventually Putin will Run Out of Cash Reserves . Only UNEDUCATED Russians think that this is Good for the Russian Economy 😀😀 REALITY . Russian ROUBLE has Collapsed and the Cost of Imports is Up Military Sales have Collapsed , Russia Failed to Sign a Single Contract in DUBAI in November 2023 GAZPROM announced that Production has Fallen to 1970 s / USSR Levels Interest Rate at 16 Percent and Inflation Skyrocketing along with Fuel Restrictions Russian Oil Exports Down as a result of OPEC Cuts and a Price Cap of $60. and India No Longer recieving Russian Oil Recent Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Oil Refineries have Affected 19 Percent of Russian Income and most likely will Not get Western Parts to restore Refineries " Everything According to Plan " The Entire World is Laughing at Putin as Russia Collapses ….Again

  4. Willy, I'm done. I liked that an Aussie with some knowledge was offering a good description of the war – but you've gone all Doom and Gloom with "Ukraine facing imminent collapse on all fronts!" For months. also, your dry voice and droning on doesn't help. Nor does any suggestion that Russia might have the upper hand – unless you are pro-Russian. As a former soldier, I want to know where you f*cking stand, C*nt?

  5. Muscovites have had… …………………………." Peter The Great "……………. ………….. "Ivan The Terrible " …………………..and Now …………………………… " PUTIN THE FAILURE " 😀😀

  6. Dude, according to you the front lines have been collapsing for over a year! I truly have trouble believing any of your clickbait these days!
    Either way, love ya my Aussie brother.

  7. What is the Point of all this ? only losers . apart from the ones like boris johnson , hes made a few bob out of it , and the YT Guys have Too .

  8. ANOTHER PUTIN FAILURE Putin Opened the KHAKIV Front …. Now Ukraine can Use Western Weapons into a 100 Kilometers into Russia 😀😀 The US Stated that if Russia Opens Any New Fronts they Will Increase the Range of Western Weapons into Russia ……. Putin Just Opened a NEW FRONT …. Putins Own Goal … Everything Putin does Ends in a FAILURE

  9. Meanwhile in Kiev, nightclubs are at capacity partying like their country isn't being invaded…. I'd imagine that would be a pressing matter but clearly they don't give a shit. So why should I?

  10. Im not sure which will happen 1st? Biden will just drop dead during a public televised appearance/ event, or Zelinski gets Epstiened by his Azov commanders .

  11. I,m getting curious. How will NATO spin the narative when there is no more denying the fact Ukrain has lost the war.
    Or will it disappear from the news completly from one day to the next, as if it never happened? NATO-Russia proxy war? Never happened, fake news.

  12. From Africa ; Angola. Hurraaaaaaaaaaaaah VIVA Long live the INDISPUTABLE greatest WARRIORS of our world; with the most POWERFUL Army on planet; Big Russia rules… The colonialists and imperialists Nazis are on the RUN in Ukraine 😂😂😂

  13. I figured u took a couple days off cause u where sick of getting ratiod by the comment section being pro russian and anti notzee but now ur jumping feet first into supporting the Israeli genocide ur really on the wrong side of history and it's all documented lol

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