“If We Give Putin Territory, It Will Lead To WW3!” Trump Considers Deal To End Ukraine-Russia War

“If We Give Putin Territory, It Will Lead To WW3!” Trump Considers Deal To End Ukraine-Russia War

uh the Ukrainian president zinski has challenged Donald Trump to come for with his plan to quickly end the war this ties in with the American presidential elections uh but we’ve also as I just mentioned uh got a situation where Donald Trump is is basically considering whether to do a deal with Putin that would block Ukraine from joining NATO to end the war would that be a deal that would be done um and also of course we’ve just got ongoing drone attacks rocket attacks and of course the Abduction of Ukrainian children do you think there is any deal that can be done well yes very easy if if Putin withdraws from Ukraine from the territorial internationally recognized territory of of Ukraine and then negotiations can start the the thing is if there’s anything that comes in that doesn’t have that as the pretext the global implications of it are are frightening they really scare me terms of what the message it sends to the message the message it sends not just to Vladimir Putin but to other global leaders and I it could start uh the third world war if that happens do you think that I think it’s not serious well I’ll come back to you after we spoken to our next guest let’s see what he has to say eigor novikov is a former advisor to President Vladimir zinski and joins us now on the line good morning I did it again good morning good afternoon Eagle thank you for joining us give up on this um now Eagle um let’s there’s so much to talk about in terms of where we are the Ukraine war and I and I know I’m as guilty as any British media uh in recent months where so much attention has gone on Gaza and hasn’t been on what’s been going on Ukraine we tried to periodically come back to it um but um Donald Trump you know us elections very much in the news at the moment as well Donald Trump’s basically said look I’ll you know I’ll get peace within days weeks I can sort peace out the the the challenge has come now okay well what is your deal what is your deal now there’s talk about him considering doing a deal with Putin and basically saying I’ll block Ukraine from ever joining nato in return for ending the war would that be a deal that your former boss would ever agree to I don’t think so and not for the reasons that you think I think first of all this war is not about NATO NATO is just a pretext for Putin this is a war for resources this is a war to change the uh geopolitics the geopolitical order in the world at the moment so you know when you want to prevent somebody from joining NATO you don’t capture their land you don’t abduct children you don’t destroy destroy the critical infrastructure and in fact Putin is actually net negative on NATO after he invaded uh you know for the second time in 2022 uh because he invaded for the first time in 2014 since then Sweden and Finland joined NATO so he’s actually doing worse in terms of like his NATO uh challenges but uh this is not about NATO and blocking Ukraine from joining NATO could be an exit strategy if Putin is weak on on the battlefield that’s the only option if it’s not if you if it’s a stalemate like it is now if it’s a meat grind if Ukraine is winning you know if Ukraine is losing then you know NATO is a non secretary here unfortunately well indeed again there’s no question at all that Ukraine wouldn’t be allowed to join NATO while the war was still ongoing U but we did see interestingly when Finland was allowed to join youly turkey and others you know uh withdrew their objections that you know Finland has this huge huge border with Russia and of course and and knows full well what it’s like to be invaded by Russia because they’ve been invaded by Russia before um the the Russians instead of reacting to to another Nation on their border joining NATO um instead of reacting by attacking Finland they withdrew Putin withdrew a lot of his military uh uh stuff from from that border which is very interesting but this is it there’s a lot of talk about there needs to be peace I’m always fascinated by the people say there needs to be peace in Ukraine who don’t share I think Philip and mine I think your view as well which is that well there an easy solution to the war and that is Vladimir Putin withdrawing uh to pre-24 borders what about the of withdrawing to pre 2022 borders Crimea was seized illegally absolutely the reaction of the West Was Not Strong Enough clearly embolden Putin to go further um he hasn’t been successful in this war it’s a war of attrition it’s costing God knows how many tens of thousands of not just Ukrainian lives but also the lives of Russian soldiers who’ve been conscripted and have don’t have any business being there either but would you think there’ be an agreement to going back to at least pre 2022 borders so losing Crimea for good but at least getting back the donbas region I don’t think that’s realistic because one of the uh things Putin wanted from this second invasion was to get that land Corridor to Crimea otherwise you know Crimea is vulnerable to potential attacks although you know Ukraine was never actually planning on attacking Crimea even after it was illegally annexed uh I don’t think any deal that involves Ukraine losing more territory is uh acceptable first and foremost to the Western world because in effect what you’re doing by kind of offering puting that deal you actually encourage him to um keep hunting for your weaknesses you know um it’s it’s hilarious that everyone mentions like NATO is the key factor here but to be honest I mean Ukraine was never actually close to joining NATO and and apparently not according to the state department now they’re saying too too much corruption it’s not an option right now that they never was a situation when Ukraine was not even months like years away from joining NATO realistically there never ever was one so uh I think you know if we give Putin territory I fully agree with the fact that it sooner or later it will lead to World War III because he’ll be tempted to try native for weaknesses next probably in the baltics um and then you know his friends in Iran in China in North Korea will be encouraged to see if the West is as weak as as it and this is always the concern isn’t it that actually if he does you know get win anything permanently in Ukraine who’s next and people talk about oh Poland it’s not going to be attacking Poland Poland is is a serious military force right now but again you’ve got the lvia the estonians the Lithuania tiny little countries members of NATO but I say I’ve got some real questions right now whether or not the you know France and Germany and Britain and America would actually kind and Ros they would step up and actually um you know defend those countries in that scenario and again he Ukraine’s quite unusual in terms of rolling the tanks in he does a lot of work for a lot of years beforehand in terms of sort of you know uh uh changing the population the demographics of a country before he goes in you know he’s a very Wy character isn’t he um there is though that big issue isn’t there with the West which is that we grow War weary uh with democ democracies the voters get to have their say they they grow weary of a war a far FL Place they’ve never been to that’s costing them money and has put up their energy bills and they just say enough is enough we don’t care anymore that is the biggest risk for Ukraine isn’t it uh well Julia actually that’s the point I wanted to make and it’s going to be a scary one and let me uh just double down and say I won’t mention British politics today uh but let’s look at the United States uh if that’s not a crisis of a democratic political iCal system having to choose between President Biden and former president Trump I don’t know what crisis looks like and there’s a scary uh reason there’s a scary causality that led us to that point and that is the fact that uh we’re living in an information age now you know we’ve had internet for 40 years now and unfortunately because we pay more attention to cat memes and Instagram reals than to questions of life and death to our health to our politics you know um certain populists and you know push their agenda upon us and unfortunately cap memes work well in dictatorships because they distract people from the horrible things around them but in democracies they distract you from being responsible and I don’t think we’re at the lowest point yet I think you know the next couple of years are going to be incredibly different uh difficult for the Western World I think we’re going to see more conflicts unfortunately I don’t see you know the our war the war in Ukraine ending you know uh in a victory soon unfortunately I see more Wars potentially starting in the likes of Korea and the Middle East and so on so forth and unless we figure out a solution to the problem of being distracted by cap memes um I’m kind of oversimplifying but you but no but I I I I I completely take your point unless we figure out the solution um we going to live in a completely different world unfortunately yeah absolutely and this is the key thing I often get accused of being a warmonger on social media or here like you’re a war mug you support War like no I’m I’m supporting a country that’s been invaded I it seems to me to be very very simple of course we would support Ukraine and this argument that we’ve been having about you know whether Ukraine kind of the West invited that that invasion you never invite an invasion but you can provide the circumstances where they can think they’ll get away with it and I certainly don’t think Putin for a moment expected the reaction he’s had but there’s no doubt at all that all of the sanctions aren’t really having the impact that we really wanted them to have we know that Vladimir Putin’s still able to sell even though we can’t buy his oil directly still able to sell his oil the India and China they’re happy to buy it also India is now you know basically dealing with the oil and do whatever is you have to do the oil to then resell it back to us in the west so we’re still using his oil he’s still getting all the dollars for it and still able to wage his War the question I always ask say how long can Russia keep fighting this war how long can Ukraine keep fighting this war given the devastation we see these images of Ukrainian cities okay some you got some some Still Standing obviously there is Devastation across much of the country um uh and and and the loss of life although much higher for the Russian soldiers than the ukrainians which tell tells the story the loss of life is horrendous how long can it carry on well uh it depends depends on you know for on many factors it depends on the aid that we get including the military aid it depends on the situation on Battlefield on what weapons are used uh depends on whether you know Belarus actually joins in uh there are too many factors to kind of to give you an accurate forecast here uh but you have to remember it’s a war of attrition but a war to survive so you know unless we have a plan be and there’s you know a new Ukraine somewhere else you know um he’s not going to stop until it kills us because we’re the uh you know proverbial match that broke the camels back and I disagree with the fact that the West hasn’t invited this war you have but not the way you think you have invited this Invasion and what happens next by not letting Ukraine join nato in 2007 for example you have invited this war by being weak and giving Crimea to Putin without any consequences you have invited further development of this war but not providing eight I’m talking about America first and foremost here for for six months since November until April right and you know you keep inviting it by being weak and Putin prays on weakness and like you’re encouraging him to go further and further and further and further by showing weakness and it’s not going to change unless you change first absolutely um just finally want to ask you something we just touched on briefly but I mean extraordinary these extraordinary events and of course there’s already an international uh indictment against vadir Putin and other members of his government over the Abduction of children and you know we so much Focus been going on about you know children in Gaza and it’s horrific what’s happening there and and what’s peric what happened to to to to youngsters to children being abducted by Hamas and and what happened on October the 7th but it’s it’s also extraord what’s happening in the war blatant blatant War crime that’s happening in Ukraine where where uh Russian authorities are basically kidnapping children they’re threatening families you’ve got four children send one of them they’re off to quote summer camps where they just kept abroad kept for months and months and months on end often in some really unpleasant conditions and totally indoctrinated uh and and um and and real concerns for families in terms of they don’t know where their children are where they’re coming back a blatant War crime and and it it just seems to be almost going unnoticed by the Western world it is getting unnoticed and there are actually two reasons why that is happening uh the actual War crime first and foremost obviously you know the end goal for Putin is to have uh Ukraine be a part of his Empire empire and one of the objectives there is to indoctrinate you know the younger Generations so you know he’s trying to abduct anyone he can and he’s trying to kill the rest uh so that’s the first reason but the second reason is more interesting and more personal for Putin if you kind of if you Google him at least or if you study him closely he’s got that very unhealthy relationship with children I mean there are plenty of videos like them kissing boys like 5-year-old boys you know bellies and stuff and I think there’s also you know a personal psychological disorder that that’s kind of directing that policy that’s very interesting analysis there iGo novikov former advis to President Vladimir zinski thank you so much for joining us really interesting to talk to you for

Talk’s Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by former adviser to President Zelenksy, Igor Novikov, to discuss Donald Trump’s declaration that he could quickly end the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Two advisers to the presidential candidate presented him with a plan that would involve threatening to cut US assistance if Kyiv did not enter negotiations with Moscow.

A senior Ukrainian official said Ukraine is not ready to compromise with Russia and give up any territory to end the war.

Igor says: “If we give Putin territory, it will lead to World War Three.”

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  1. Have a look at the interview between Piers Morgan and Jeffrey Sachs – that indicates why we are in the position we are in….nothing to do with Putin and territory. Also look at Kennedy Jnr explaining who is making money out of the Ukraine situation – as Dennis Healey pointed out – world events just don;t happen and they are manipulated by the people holding the purse strings.

  2. You had Ukrain territory, you couldn't look after people in Donetsk, you took all basic rights of people there, you were practicing genocide on them, bombing them, killing them, SO YOU DON'T DESERVE TO KEEP THAT TERITORY. ALL PEOPLE I THOSE 4 PROVINCES ARE ETNIC RUSSIANS THERE ARE NOT UKRAINIANS. AND THEY VE BEEN LIBERATED NOW FROM EVIL

  3. No Baltic's aint it, what the worst he could do is offer a way out of which ever country has conflict and say yeah walk this way and you can make it to the E.U this actually causes more stuff than anything else

  4. Notice they don’t mention or talk about ISRAEL taking PALESTINE’S land
    RUSSIA not enemy The WEST lead by AMERICA are the problem especially AMERICA they think they rule the planet

  5. 'NATO will not expand 1 inch eastward, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990…. hows that been going since 1990!

  6. Julia
    I do love you, but on this topic you are as thick as two short planks and totally naive and ignorant of the facts , the history and the geo politics of these two countries and region. Best to keep your big hog shut on matters you know sod all about. NATO are the criminals here as they have been historically in Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and Yugoslavia. Putin a move to invade Ukraine was foolish but understandable. Ukraine is a gangster state being used by NATO and UK to break Russia into 2. It will not succeed. This is an existential threat to Russia and they shall prevail just like they have over centuries when western powers invaded it, Stay out!,

  7. What nonsense why would a country the size of Russia with all its natural resources require the resources of the Ukraine. Its all smoke and mirrors. Silly people in the media siting in air conditioner offices think they are experts. Brainwashing us and escalating the potential for world war 3

  8. As a compromise, they gave in to Hitler when he marched into the Sudetenland and claimed it as German. Hitler went on to invade Poland and started WW11. Putin will do the same; he's on a mission before he dies, and he doesn't care who or how many he takes with him. Russians need to overthrow him in the same way Hitler was challenged but with success before it's too late.

  9. Napoleon invaded Russia from the east, Hitler invaded Russia from the east. They will make sure it never happens again. Russia wants a buffer zone and will not allow NATO to come to its border.
    Would the US allow a foreign state to influence and plant itself in Mexico? I don't think so.

  10. It's all about NATO ,putin as no intentions of attacking the west and these warmongers know it. Wait there julia Russia did invade Finland because they were allies of nazi Germany. And the fact is crimea and the donbass are 80% Russians and want to be part of Russia. But people believe this anti Russian propaganda.

  11. Nato, sorry nato is usa want to bring missiles to ukraine. Wake up people. Russia will stop war once the original deal which was done many years ago is held

  12. Stop sending money and weapons to Ukrainian
    Forget about NTO
    And the media to stop lying to the people
    Russia go back home with your soldiers

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