Learner driver failed theory test nearly 60 times

Learner driver failed theory test nearly 60 times

by BigBeanMarketing

  1. I know the driving theory test has changed since I did it, but some of the questions were just laugh out loud stupid. I remember one from my actual test which was like this:

    You are stopped at a zebra crossing as an elderly couple begin to cross. What do you do?

    A. Rev your engine because they are holding you up.

    B. Accelerate sharply and swerve around them.

    C. Beep your horn to make them hurry up.

    D. Allow them to cross in their own time and proceed when safe to do so.

  2. Persistence or reconsider strategy? Practice makes perfect, hopefully.

  3. Brave soul. I gave up after I failed 4 times. In an automatic.

    My dyspraxic self couldn’t cope.

    My Coup de Grace was when I messed up with the free driving bit “follow the signs to xyz” as the sign was obscured by a bus after I’d pulled out. The Gordon Brown look a like firmly told me that it was visible before I pulled out. So I guess on the round about. Knew I failed cos he took no time to get to know me.

    Decided to give it a break after that. That was 14 years ago and have no inclination to have another try.

    Edit I had been going through step by step so mirrors look over shoulder, mirrors, signal, manoeuvre, now check where you’re going. If that bus hadn’t been there I would have been fine. Alas I wasn’t adaptive in my thinking to check where I was going before the other bumf. Oh well.

  4. Isn’t it crazy that you can just take driving tests indefinitely until you pass?

    Should someone who only has a 1.7% success rate at passing their theory test really be on the road? And that’s only because they stopped taking it once they passed it.

    I would say 5 attempts each at the theory and the practical in a 12 month period with 10 attempts total before your provisional is revoked would be more than reasonable. Anyone who couldn’t meet that criteria probably shouldn’t be driving.

  5. there should really be a limit on how many times you can take driving tests

  6. My cousin must’ve done about 10 theory tests and 5 practical tests before he finally passed. That pales in comparison to 60, but even I have concerns about him being on the road.

  7. That’s about £1400! Not to mention the costs driving lessons and then the practical test. At somepoint surely it just becomes financially impractical to continue. 

  8. I used to do a youth club sort of thing with a girl who failed hers 7 times. Her friends insisted she could drive fine just struggled with the theory test and it was sooo unfair.

    Anyway, she nicked her mum’s car and crashed it into a wall.

  9. I don’t know if this is already a rule as I did my tests about 15+ years ago. But they should have it so if you fail more than twice, you have to pass twice in a row.

    Same with the practical test. Failing it five times then passing in the 6th, should mean you need to demonstrate at least the minimum skill level required at least one more time.

  10. But how? As a multiple choice test how many attempts does it take before they’re guaranteed to pass?

  11. It took me two attempts at the theory (though to be fair I only failed by 1 mark on the first one) and 4 attempts at the practical to get my licence and I was a garbage driver after that. Now, 10 years on, I think I’m pretty decent, but failing 3 tests completely shot my confidence at the time and it got to where I was terrified to drive.

  12. I think if you fail 59 times you should probably have to pass it twice back to back just to prove it wasn’t a fluke.

  13. Probably for the best, having an idiot like this with a full license sharing the roads with me terrifies me.

  14. how? I downloaded the app, just kept on doing mock tests until I passed almost every time. then I booked my actual theory test and passed first time, easy.

  15. I’m pretty sure many years ago I saw an episode of Topgear talking about this

  16. He’s just gathering everything to start his own testing facility. I’ve seen it before.

  17. I wish I could find the clip of it but I remember years ago some local news had a woman on who had the record for failed driving test attempts. They interviewed her on the day she passed and as she went to pull away she stalled the car. Me and my Dad were in hysterics watching it.

  18. Q: You have a blow-out on the motorway. What instinctive reactions should you avoid?

    A: Accelerating
    B: Taking your hands off the steering wheel

    An actual question with actual answers.

  19. The most I’ve ever seen is 8, and this lad was just genuinely a muppet. He is not diagnosed with anything, but he is just a genuinely dumb guy. He’s funny, but a difficult conversation to be honest.

    If you’re taking 10+, maybe you shouldn’t be driving.

    (Also if you’re 80 or 85+ you should have to retest every 3 years in my opinion)

  20. Having passed my test before the theory test was thought of, how difficult is it?

  21. I feel like if you fail it 3 times you shouldn’t be aloud to do it for a year?

  22. There are only 60 questions that means if he only learned one answer for each question he could have passed. Failing that many times in a multiple choice is unacceptable when some of it is common sense, they should never be allowed on the road

  23. I failed mine like 8 times…..I never once actually revised so to say, I just did those quick online mock tests few times and off I went, then on fail be like “whaaat no way how?!” I bought two books to help.

    The 9th time i downloaded an app as they became popular and actually did revise, to the point I passed without any wrong questions and found it easy.

    This was over a 10 year span so not all one after another over few months, bare in mind you could book a test relatively close as there wasn’t a massive demand like now.

    I’d be interested to know how they are actually revising, because I personally found it 10x better using an app that I paid for.

  24. Surely they should have just accepted it’s not going to happen after the 23rd time?

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