Krieg in der Ukraine: Russlands „Fleischangriffe“ erschüttern die Verteidigung der Ukraine

Krieg in der Ukraine: Russlands „Fleischangriffe“ erschüttern die Verteidigung der Ukraine

  1. “On the frontlines, Ukrainian soldiers use a graphic term to describe the Russian tactics they face daily.
    They call them “meat assaults”: waves of Russian soldiers coming at their defensive positions, sometimes nearly a dozen times in a day.”

    More like dead meat

  2. “The Russians use these units in most cases purely to see where our firing equipment is located, and to constantly exhaust our units,” he said.”

    Hey, what about some remote turrets with sound cannons, Ukraine? Draw the fire to non-human targets, clean them up as they come out. You need decoys. No ammo needed for that.

  3. after the war there will be a lot of studies on how western media gaslight millions of people and destroyed their critical thinking ability.

  4. I was reading casualty estimates earlier today. Depending on which estimates you trust, Russia has lost somewhere between 2-8x as many lives as Ukraine so far in this conflict.

  5. I’d think that motion-sensor activated AEGIS turrets would work well.

    And let the troops get some sleep.

    (Obviously, they’d need to be on a mobile platform, so they could shoot and scoot before Russian artillery had locked on.)

  6. If you watch drone videos, you’ll see the Russian frontline is so littered with bodies, that they actually play dead among them when they hear a drone come.

  7. I don’t understand the news lately

    >Ukraine war: Russia’s ‘meat assaults’ batter Ukraine’s defences

    It sounds like it’s bad for Ukraine, but doesn’t that mean it’s way worse for the Russians who are dying en masse in suicide assaults?

  8. so they’re sending waves of people in hopes of breaking Ukraine’s defenses that’s so fucked up

  9. Russians love sending their men to the meat grinder. Amazing how they have won wars that way. Crazy Russian citizens are usually completely fine with it

  10. That has always been Russia’s core tactic, worked in every war they’ve fought in so if it ain’t broke why fix it. That’s how countries with high population and little fucks to give fight wars.

  11. These soldiers have to know what they’re doing, how can anyone agree to do that. I love my country but I could never be a meat shield.

  12. is russia genociding it’s minorities? Wouldn’t be russia if there wasn’t a cynical calculus behind it.

  13. The more male russians die, less russians to deal with in the future. And it might be the best for Russia neighbors safety.

  14. So when the North Korean forces join in on this, will they change the name?

  15. They’re killing off their own ethnic groups. This is nationalistic genocide at its finest.

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