Funeral ceremony of a fallen Russian soldier. All the money went to the war and buying yachts, so there is nothing left for building a simple bridge

Funeral ceremony of a fallen Russian soldier. All the money went to the war and buying yachts, so there is nothing left for building a simple bridge

by iivankin1

  1. You can see why the Ukrainians are so desperate to embrace Russian culture can’t you.

  2. Look at these people living like its the fucking 1700s in a country with so many resources that they could make China and Germany look like 3rd world shitholes if it werent for the fact that their country is being ran by people who should have never been anything more then common criminals, I really hope Russians finally wake up realize things could be so much better then they are right now.

  3. but they said they rebuild Mariupol and all ruzzia is so nice an clean, did they lie?

  4. Oh well, but have you seen the brand new luxury cars Putin purchased so his dictator buddies could ride to the Victory Day Parade in style? Who cares what the serfs do? It’s the Tzar Putin show and the serfs are just a minor inconvenience.

  5. For a minute I thought maybe they were going to float his ass down the water in the casket.

  6. That little shit box towing the coffin is heading to the front soon.

  7. Can’t believe the fools in the Donbas and Luthansk want to become Russian. FFS, move to Russia

  8. Until they rise up and get rid of putler and his regime expect more of this in orcville

  9. Hey russians, your country is a shithole, Putin and his gang made it like that. You was betrayed by Putin and his criminal partners. Enjoy life and never question your dictator, sheeps.

  10. Send your boys to die. It’s a privilege. So Putin and his oligarchs can live well.

  11. Has the word “Revolution” been removed from the Russian dictionary?

  12. That garden vehicle was used to spread manure to the field back in the 80’s. Makes sense.

  13. Hurry before they confiscate the hearse to deliver supplies on the front lines.

  14. What a joke of a country. Absolute embarrassment to civilisation.

  15. What we see: missing bridge –
    What Putin sees: if I conscript these guys too, they wouldn’t even need a bridge

  16. I still remember that video from a few days ago with the two Russian girls talking to a Ukrainian on Omegle and one of them said “Russia is kinda like the U.S.”

    😂 no… no you’re not.. not even close 😂😂😂

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