Election news latest: Labour set for biggest majority in almost 200 years, polls show

Election news latest: Labour set for biggest majority in almost 200 years, polls show


by Ameliasco

  1. Can we wait until the exit polls at least? I mean, I’d love to see the Tories to be reduced to double digit seats with the lib dems as the official opposition, but I remember 1992.. and 2015..

  2. Labour getting 70% of the seats with 38% of the vote is an absolute travesty of democracy.

  3. FPTP also makes sense from the perspective of each local area sending their local representative to parliament

    Whether 51% of the vote or 99%, my local area decided to elect Gertrude to go and speak for us down in London

    Might not quite work like that, but I like the ethos

  4. The leafleting through the door in my area (south Devon/south hams) by the Conservative Party candidate was ridiculous and depressing. The first one read like a primary school book with constant repetition of of his name in bold letters next to claims that ‘he works hard’, ‘he’s a friend to farmers’, he supports the community’ etc. No policy details at all. The next leaflet was a photograph of a personal letter in cursive pretending to be an individual message, again claiming what a great, hardworking pillar of the community he was without any policy details, apologies or solutions. Blatant baseless coercion to the elderly voters who aren’t capable of making an informed decision. Anthony Mangnall I hope you get kicked out on your ass along with the rest of your trash.

  5. The prediction for the popular vote seems to hover around 40% – that is not even a majority, and it is only a clear plurality because the Conservative vote is split.

    I am sure there have been more decisive popular votes in the past.

  6. Think I will wait until the lady sings.

    Not being funny or anything, but you guys(collectively as a nation) tend to like a good bit of shooting in one’s own foot.

  7. We literally have to wait less than 5 hours for the exit polls lmao

    Unless the real motive behind these ‘polls’ is not prediction? 🤔

  8. If the Conservatives win again this time then the process needs a reformation in how the winner is chosen, none of this “Yeah we got less votes but we still won” nonsense.

    It should be as simple as……the winner is the one with the most votes surely?!

  9. I hope it ends up in a hung parliament and labour really really has to work to pass legislation.

  10. And it’s zero to do with Kier Starmer, and all to do with how shite Tory rule has been. He’s gona be acting like he’s a hero

  11. Thats not because people love Labour it’s because the Tories have been in power for 14 years and with Boris, Truss and now Sunhak they are a complete joke. Micheal Howard could have run a better campaign than Rishi. 

  12. 1832 was the year of the great reform act, IE the first time more than half the adult male population were eligible to vote

  13. The biggest majority by ANY party. The headline makes it sound like it’s just Labour. Labour didn’t exist 200 years ago.

  14. It would be darkly funny if it turns out all the Labour voters didnt bother voting because “We win for sure” and the Tories win in a landslide, to fully run your country into the ground. At this point i often feel polls are worth pretty much nothing.

  15. My biggest fear is that Lib Dems are only ahead of the Tories by a margin small enough for Nigel to prop up the Tories in opposition. If there is a handful of seats in it you know that Nigel will happily take a shadow cabinet position and all the showboating that entails in return for his handful of seats.

  16. >Labour set for biggest majority in almost 200 years, polls show

    Labour has been slated to win its largest majority since 1832

    Has the author of this piece confused the Labour Party with the Whigs? The Labour Party didn’t even exist in 1832.

  17. Be interesting to see how Labour govern because they’ll have a whopping majority but will suffer from massive indifference from the public.

  18. Isn’t this the same headline that happens every time, and every time Tories win.

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