France’s far right unlikely to secure majority in second round of elections, poll reveals

France’s far right unlikely to secure majority in second round of elections, poll reveals

by Pilast

  1. What was the point of this whole exercise again? Was Macron just trying to pull the same thing Cameron did with his Brexit vote?

  2. At least there’s that. Still sad it got this far to begin with though.

  3. So despite being deeply unpopular and having made policies just to help the elites Macron has found a way to stay in change ?

  4. Last poll underestimated far Right by half (they predicted 40 deputy, they had 89). I fear they will have absolute majority.

    And I don’t know what is worse, absolute majority for far right or no majority at all and a crisis of rĂ©gime…

  5. Nothing surprising at all.

    This is an excellent example of media blowing things out of proportion to create a false story. And the when the story turn out to be false, they create a new story they blow out of proportion.

    In reality there never was a story to begin with

  6. Hmm I guess this will motivate even more of their supporters to come out and prove the pollsters wrong

  7. I still think that Le Pen will be in the reigns soon. After that disastrous EU vote, I cannot imagine the normal people clawing that back.

  8. This is not a good thing. If you are uniting because of a common enemy, you’re at the same time betraying your values. Now I am not saying the extreme-right should come into power, but people don’t like unnatural coalitions; they often lead to (even more) inefficient management. We saw this in Belgium, where there was a coalition between all parties from the ‘ecolos’ and socialists to the liberals because on their own they didn’t have enough votes. It was a mess and nearly all parties involved lost % during our elections last June. The extreme right won big. The only party who was able to still be bigger? The Flemish conservative party, who was NOT a part of that ‘eclectic’ governement; they didn’t want to be. That attitude paid off. They still lost a little bit in % but remained larger than the far-right and are now uniting with the liberals. Remember, there is no such right-wing conservative party in France (well, LR but their share is too small). Let’s see if Macron can reassure the French in the coming years. If not, this is just delay of execution.

  9. In french parliamentary politics, does the New Pop Front need to keep the band together or can the different subgroups drift apart and operate as separate parties?

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