Found a camera at the local Ayr antique shop

I found this camera that still had film in it, like 95% used up, and it had this sticker on it, camera was made around 1965 so i imagine theres a chance the person is still alive, but the chances that they still live their is slim, i wanna try and get the photos back to the original owner, anyone have any suggestions of how i should go about this?

by xBlooSaber

  1. If it’s ended up in an antique shop, chances are the owner has passed

    Could you go back to the shop and ask if they can trace where it came from e.g. if it was handed in recently or if they acquired it some other way (e.g. bulk lot at auction)

    There may be other living family, so i’d probably get the film developed and see if there are any clues there e.g. whether it looks like a holiday or event, any recognisable buildings etc

    Posting photos to relevant Facebook and Reddit groups is probably your best bet, but it’s a long shot!

  2. Take it to somewhere with a proper dark room and have them take it apart.

    The original film roll that went into those was actually really good. It might have survived and still be recoverable.

    DO NOT take it to an art department. Take it to real photographers.

  3. thought of that just on the car ride home haha, might send them a message on facebook though if i dont get a chance to go back in person. the development for kodachrome film is a bit pricey these days due to its discontinuation but i’m definitely gonna try and find a service, thanks a bunch for taking the time to share your advice! :))

  4. There’s a Facebook group called Remembering Auld Ayr that usually has great success in finding people, most of the member base are older folks

  5. Land register of Scotland says that house was last bought in 1988, so it might not be owned by someone who knows the person in that sticker. Possible though.

  6. I got one of those 2nd hand in a local raffle as a kid in 1981, the film developed fine then 🤣

  7. OP – you’re doing yeoman’s work. I hope you’re successful in finding the owner [unlikely] and/or their descendants [more likely].

  8. Get it developed. It might be Mr & Mrs Welsh getting freaky in the steamy 70s…

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