Zelenskyy Announces 10 New Brigades! (Is it enough?)

Zelenskyy Announces 10 New Brigades! (Is it enough?)

Russia is pushing hard into the town of chavar are they succeeding but does Ukraine have their own surprise planned for Russia to the tune of 10 new brigades I’m Paul US Army Combat veteran let’s talk about it okay so this is sort of the latest Frontline updates that we’ve seen and over the last week Russia has uh really quintupled down on their efforts to advance in and around detet but particularly Russia’s made a number of advances in the area of chavar now you guys might recall chavar was a logistics and um Reserve Hub during the Battle of Bachman right as Russian forces advance to the outskirts um of Bachman and then Advance through the center chivar remained kind of a a stronghold for Ukrainian forces and it makes sense that they would use it for that because it is tactically a very difficult uh town to take you can see it has a lot of forested areas a lot of water obstacles and uh is stationed or situated in some pretty undulating terrain so in some ways it’s very difficult to dislodge Ukrainian troops um but we’re going to work back in time here and you can kind of see the overall shifts in the front line uh you could see that while Russia has been advancing very very slowly in the area they still have been making advances you can see taking it all the way back to the start of the month here we are about a month ago and you can see that Russian forces have been steadily creeping into position particularly along the northern and southern flanks of chavar right you can see here near kalanka uh Ukraine Russian forces beginning to advance but now over the last several days you’ve seen really some significant um advances by Russian troops particularly in this uh are these districts in kind of the outskirts on the eastern half of the town and one of the things we know is that Russia is very good at getting warming their way into an urban area or a forested area and once they’re in they’re very hard to dislodge and they’re very hard to stop from making incremental advances Russia’s just willing to assume a lot of casualties to make minimal advances because once they do generally the ukrainians aren’t willing to expend the military manpower to conduct a substantive Counterattack and so Russian forces will advance hold a position and then 24 to 48 hours later begin to advance once more and that’s what we’re seeing particularly here in chavar there’s also been uh comparable advances if you look to the South um Russia’s been following a much a very similar AC in this town of shumi you also have seen them interestingly pushing into this yurka uh you could see over the last uh maybe 36 uh or sorry the last week or so Russian forces is making what looks like kind of a a breakthrough type Salient here um again towards this town of New York not that New York a different New York but you can see Russian forces also advancing near shumi uh so this is all a sign I think while none of these are in of themselves really like exceptional noteworthy or or or troubling gains kind of in the aggregate you could see that this Russian strategy of just peac meal advances anywhere they can get away with it is a core part of Putin’s strategy for winning and once he sort of abandoned his idea of stunning breakthroughs or massive assaults and replaced it with simply a desire to lose troops but slice off little pieces of territory here and there grabbing what he can it actually Aggregates into an effective strategy for seizing terrain but Ukraine has their own surprise for but before we talk about that you guys know that I don’t get that many sponsors on the channel I I’m routinely demonetized YouTube really is cracking down on uh combat creators creators that talk about this war and it’s understandable it’s an election year and YouTube has their own bias um but if you want to support what I do and I depend on you guys to to do it the fans so if you want to support what I do and you want access to the uncensored combat videos twice a week I find the 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okay so Ukraine isn’t taking this line down certainly and this is part of the Ukrainian strategy right Ukraine has a two-fold strategy to kind of build itself back up one is addressing its Manpower challenges and increasing its conscription right it’s it’s imple imped a number of changes to its conscription law lowering the age improving Ukraine’s ability to track military age males Who U might be eligible for conscription and they are also forming them into several new brigades but these uh the holdup is not going to be Manpower it seems like it might actually be Western weapons right uh this Western Security assistance is moving to the Ukrainian Battlefield um but the scale and speed the ukrainians continue to say they they would like to see more of it and certainly it the first place ammunition has to go isn’t going to be to new brigades it’s to existing brigades currently in the fight right and according to an interview with Bloomberg Linsky said Ukrainian forces are way better in terms of Manpower than they were a few months ago and now that they have at least the promise of additional aid from the US they are really looking positive into the future um but Ukraine’s ability to conduct a counter offensive depends on heavy equipment like mechanized fighting Vehicles apcs tanks and heavy artillery this is uh referencing these 10 new Ukrainian brigades you might remember the counter offensive was 11 uh brigades but NATO trained to a NATO standard now the hope is that these 10 brigades combined with a really more effective tactical uh worldview a more a more defined tactics in terms of progress is going to be able to contribute much more right a lot of those 11 counteroffensive brigades frankly were wasted um using ineffective NATO tactics that produced a pretty high level of casualties and again just sort of exposed the fact that that NATO tactics really only work with air superiority and without that they become very very difficult um right as uh some commanders even in svar uh said that the forces in the area are more in need of ammunition than Manpower and that mil and zalinsky himself said that some of this equipment is taking too long to arrive at the front now that’s not entirely on the west right because the West can only get it to Lviv beyond that it falls on the ukrainians and that is a military task and some and a task that Russia is committed to interdicting Russia wants to watch wants to and is hitting Ukrainian ammunition Depots uh convoys and Transit they’re doing everything they can to disrupt this equipment getting to the front um and of course it’s hard because when you have this uh these supplies kind of being slow walked they end up going to where they’re needed most which is in units actively equipped actively in the fight but that also needs to at some point go to these Reserve brigades right who need to be stood up and to do that they have to have training ammunition they also have the ammunition so that if they get thrown in the fight they could fight and this is a huge problem again because many of the Ukrainian brigades um H that are currently fighting are exhausted and this sort of um as they point out this monthlong delay exasperated it and and it think of this think of logistics any Logistics chain really as being a little bit like traffic uh if you’re driving on a highway right you’re driving along suddenly a car in front of you goes oh is that a deer and they stop short the car behind them stops short again the car behind them stops short and suddenly you’ve created a traffic jam despite the fact that maybe that car that stopped it wasn’t a deer it was a trash bag they stopped for a moment and kept driving there’s no real obstacle it’s simply a um a wave effect caused by that initial disruption well this is what you’re seeing on kind of the logistics side where you get this whiplashing effect where these long delays and then sudden push of of PA in creates an additional like Gap right the the logistics system works best when there’s a steady consistent flow that’s been built up over time and this will happen just like you know traffic jams don’t last forever but they last a lot longer than the initial issue and this initial issue right was basically from February to nearly April uh so you know this is a real um this is going to take a long time to smooth out right and of course as you guys know Putin’s counting on this right this is his big offensive um that the ukrainians are fighting now he know Putin knows that by the time 10 new brigades are stood up that the the logistics uh Aid gets smoothed out it’s going to be a very very different War for him and it’s going to be much more difficult to make these kind of advances so he’s trying to really get in while the getting’s good anyway guys that is all I had for you a huge thank you to the colonel tier members Ardell Klein n no spam Dennis 1 uh GES Maring Nathan Kirk waganer uh Terra zimic mil miles Tom tomaron and Raul Vega to name a few and a huge thank you to all the colonel tier members guys I appreciate you so much and this you guys are going to get access to the first Q&A video uh coming up here later today but if you’re not you want to become member at combet news.com thanks guys see you cheers

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  1. Hello from 3rd assault brigade 2nd foreign storm squad Chasiv Yar.. Orcs doing their best.. we are doing our best to hold them… im sure they started a new attack from our area

  2. 10 new brigades that will not gain any ground. By the time they're trained properly the war will be over with peace negotiations and concessions.

  3. The older Brigades did a great job of holding the line and buying time. Now there are better trained and equipped troops coming on-line. These troops are trained to execute combined arms tactics. Just in time for the next wave of mechanized troop carriers, long range artillery, and F-16s. Let’s get it on! Semper Fi and Free Ukraine.

  4. Is it possible that the russians think that the greater the cost in russian lives to acquire standing room on Ukraine soil , then the greater is their right to keep it ?

  5. 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  6. 10 new brigades. Wow, that sounds impressive. I mean, they can just snap their fingers and conjure 10 brigades. They'll definitely be high speed low drag meateaters and not old men, amputees and college kids snatched off the street and 'trained' in the back of the truck on their way to the front.

  7. Ukraine receives more aid than its pre-war gross national product. Turkey's defense budget is 40 billion dollars, but Ukraine demands approximately 200 billion dollars of money and weapons every year. Regardless of 2024, which country or countries will provide a total of 200 billion dollars of financial and arms aid to Ukraine in 2025? Even though Ukraine got all the help it wanted by saying that it would counter-attack and liberate Crimea in 2023, in 2024 it says that let alone the counter-attack and taking back Crimea, we cannot stop the Russians unless there is more money, weapons, more soldiers, and Nato will get involved in the war and liberate the Ukrainians. He wants him to fight with Russia instead. Since you have no soldiers, your people have run away and do not want to go back to their country and fight. If you do not have the strength to counterattack in 2023, why did you withdraw from the peace table in Istanbul in 2022? Why are you still talking about beating Russia in 2024? 10 million Ukrainians left their country, now it comes to your mind that soldiers are needed. How many more years do you plan to keep the Ukrainian soldiers, who are tired of fighting the huge Russian army for 3 years and whose numbers are decreasing, fighting? Why should Nato soldiers fight for Russia for Ukraine, which is not a NATO country? Can the Ukrainian opposition ask these questions to Zelensky? When it comes to words, is there any opposition in the country of Zelensky, who says he fights for democracy and European values? A leader who promised peace to his people before the elections is now not going to the elections even though his term of office is over, under the pretext of war. If the war is over, there will be extermination and Zelensky will never win the extermination because pensions in Ukraine are 2500-3000 Uah, approximately 70-80 euros, the people are poor, hungry, rich, those who could escape left the country. If you don't believe me, read the comments of Ukrainian people on Zelensky's official profile on Instagram and find out what they say about Zelensky.

  8. Don't stand there looking like your president with his mouth open doing the YAAWW. Give us an answer were trying to debate not sell gum

  9. Has the Polish border blockade been cleared up? I haven't heard anything about it for a while now. Is that affecting US deliveries? You'd think Polish truckers would be happy to get priority delivery loads.

  10. NOBODY wants to fight for Ukraine …why else are the remaining young men in hiding? This war is almost over, thank God. Zelensky knows it, too, with his dementia-addled ally almost out of commission now. The wheels are coming off of this charade at last. How long do you think Zelensky will remain free and/or alive? 👀

  11. This war can't be won, western support is only half there. Consider peace. NATO and EU agreements for lost land. Protection and prosperity over destruction and poverty. Ukrainians have proven to be warriors, nothing can be done. Weapons are not there, support only half there, restricted targets beyond a certain threshold. This is beneficial only to weapon manufacturers.

  12. Don't stand there looking like your president with his mouth open doing the YAAWW. Give us an answer were trying to debate not sell gum

  13. 7:15 In 2023 Ukraine has formed up to 18 new brigades, the exact number is unknown, but only four of them took part in so called counteroffensive which in fact never happened. Meaning that most of those brigades are completely intact and remain somewhere in strategic reserve.

  14. Air superiority hit it right on the nail. Funny how America and the Ukraines allies in Europe new that was the case as was not giving long range missiles to target within Russia .All known on day 1of the Invasion . So who s pulling Ukraines chain full of crap This could be so different but thats what happens when you weren't in it to beat Russia in its entirety within Ukraine at the begining. So when do we get it said. We are with Ukraine till Russia is totally defeated in Ukraine .

  15. Ukraine doesn't have enough volunteers/ conscripts to fill 10 brigades.. Convicts will have to fill these companies to make up a brigade sized unit.. They have enough draft dodgers in Germany and Poland to fill at least 2 divisions ,though

  16. the Russian army power has fallow below 20% fighting power
    its now at 18%
    and at the rate of death per day 1400 which will bring it way up to 2000
    its become a total death trap for Russia army the odds on a Russian Soldier living is about 15%
    a very well train 30%
    to me this is pure Murder of good Russian Soldiers and only if the Russian Government would just Remove Putin and stop this war they can say close to 600.000 with in a year so fare 540.000
    maybe more then that and the cost they only got about 5 month left until they run out of money
    this is really crazy there no way Russia can win this war its all about supply and demand
    Russia is running low of everything
    logic tell us its time for Russia to just make peace or end this war

  17. Looks so bad they paid off one side and interfere in our politics. They never came clean about how much they paid the biden family. Sorry that the democrats took the money and make the nation look like just a bunch of crooks in charge, with crooks in charge of investigating the crooks in charge. Sounds a lot like Communist Russia, huh???

  18. Even if they have 10 new brigades, zelenski said they are waiting for weapons which you neglect to mention….while they wait russia advances and destroys more Ukraine trooopd. So, those new brigades are still out numbered and weaponless.

    😂😂 Ukraine won’t expend military power to stop Russia you say, but the truth is Ukraine has no power left.

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