The secret of why Kyiv was not taken in three days was finally revealed by Putin! He said that when Russian troops were standing near Kyiv, the Western partners asked Russia to cease fire. And it did. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not. Russia was deceived, says Putin.

The secret of why Kyiv was not taken in three days was finally revealed by Putin!
He said that when Russian troops were standing near Kyiv, the Western partners asked Russia to cease fire. And it did. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not. Russia was deceived, says Putin.

by BigDeckBob

  1. What is higher? Mount Everest or the pile of shit that pootin is spewing. We need some brave people to scale that fecal mountain face.

  2. 🤣🤣🤣 god they just can’t take a lose the worst losers in history

  3. I don’t remember a single day they stopped shooting since the invasion.

    He is full of shit, as usual.

  4. He is like Trump. Cant say a full sentence without a lie. So sad.

  5. And they say Zelenskyy is the clown. putin has been a clown this whole time.

  6. What a deluded asshole! Just like all the BS assurances he gave pre the invasion that he had no intention of attacking Ukraine. Mad and very very bad indeed.

  7. “How dare these Ukrainians defend themselves and shoot at us on their territory.’

  8. The fact that reporters are asking about ceasefire publicly is kind of refreshing. Perhaps conditions back home are getting bad enough? Perhaps enough mothers have lost their sons and husbands?

  9. And to show their willingness for a ceasefire, they carried out a massacre in Bucha. Smart as always

  10. Funny! Cease fire on the Ukrainian side would be when all the Russians get the fuck out and go back home.

  11. well that means if the west demands withdrawal entirely russia will withdraw? Good joke clown. Proof it, do it.

  12. Even if that’s true, he’s shit at politics to be duped so easily. Like putty on Zelenskys hands

  13. Yeah right. I guess it had nothing to do with a shit plan.

    Dude who do you think you are fooling?

  14. So, rather than admit defeat, Putin confesses that he’s a fucking moron, instead.

    Bold strategy, Cotton.

  15. What Putin didn’t even mention is that they also attempted to withdraw from Hostomel Airport 57 times, but those pesky Ukrainians just couldn’t control their damn missiles.

  16. So it wasn’t the massive number of casualties from his best units and the traffic jam of resupply getting torn to pieces. Only Russians would believe that and that is by design. Everything he says is for the Russian public consumption. No one else takes him seriously. Not even China.

    NATO has expanded to two more countries, gas imports to EU from Russia are down over 60% and climbing as sanctions have increased, China and India are taking advantage economically with below market priced petroleum, and China is getting them hooked and dependent on Chinese goods. Since Russia has switched to a war economy, domestic producers are making stuff for war and not for domestic consumption or export. This will further destroy the economy long term. You cant easily reverse that loss of market share.

  17. There is a theme among his western cult members that believes there is a secret agreement with Ukraine in which it says Russia will not use all of its force. Essentially this encourages the “Russia is fighting with one hand behind their back” or “they aren’t trying, so as to reduce civilian casualties.”. Throw in their T-14 fantasies and you can see how it all fits together.

  18. Lmao, this re*ard acts like he wouldn’t have been saying that all the time if it was the case. You can’t just make shit up after 2 years when your propaganda machine is constantly spewing out bullshit about every little thing

  19. Was that around the time Moscovia promised a safe corridor from Mariupol and then proceeded to bomb this corridor repeatedly? Lying pos.



    I can’t even comprehend the level of doublethink and straight up in-your-face denial and lying it takes to try to twist Russia into being the victim here. Holy shit.

  21. During this period of ‘negotiations and retreat’ weren’t russia still pushing hard on all fronts? What a ton of shit. You got your arses whipped by fierce ukrainian resistance. Sucker

  22. Imagine if he was saying the truth… it would be one of the biggest blunder in military history, having been played so badly by your opponent. It would be almost as humiliating as losing on the battleground.

  23. Reality:

    Hot zone Heli drops near a Kyiv airport. With troops being totally abandoned leaving them for dead.

    Tanks columns absolutely destroyed hundreds of miles away.

    Tank columns abandoned then destroyed (logistical failure)

    No where near.

  24. Unbelievable. It’s just incredible. You can practically see the bullshit spewing out of his ugly mouth.

    How he can make up these ridiculous stories. Stand down or not, YOU STILL FUCKING INVADED. Oh, and YOUR TROOPS WERE STILL ON UKRAINIAN TERRITORY, RAPING AND PILLAGING…and stealing toilets.

    GTFOH with this garbage.

  25. What a complete load of horse shit. I guess bullshit like this has to be allowed to be published but man o man, we are now out beyond Pluto in fantasy proRu propaganda.

  26. He is a vomitarium of the highest order and his serfs continue to lap it up and apparently always will, no matter how horrendously badly his two week SMO goes.

    In the last hour I have learnt some information that should be making the Grate Leeder soil his nappies. The Oskol Metallurgical Plant in Belgorod is incredibly important to RuZZia and its operations have just come to a screaming halt. A few days ago the Ukrainians attacked the two electrical substations servicing the Plant. That shut down operations at the Plant and this has caused metal to cool in the furnaces. It could take months to get the Plant back up and running. In the worst case scenario, the furnaces will have to be replaced and this cannot be achieved without the assistance of the Germans.

    The Ukrainians are very effectively attacking the industrial infrastructure of RuZZia and this has the prospect of bringing this shithole of a terrorist state to its knees. Even the Grate Leeder will find that hard to explain to his serfs.

  27. My pet peeve is to always be amazed HOW ON EARTH, the year 2024 with all the tech and knowledge, HOW this BS hits the target audience but not the 550 000 casulties? How?? How manipulated media/internet can be?

  28. Vlad, was that before or after you tried poisoning the Ukrainian negotiators?

  29. Was that before or after the Russians were taking out shots at fleeting citizens?

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