Zelenskyy U-turns as he invites Russia to attend peace summit without giving up land

Zelenskyy U-turns as he invites Russia to attend peace summit without giving up land


by FuturePharm21

  1. “After two years of war, the Ukrainian leader appears to be taking peace talks seriously” !!!! Who TF wrote this trash article? How about after two years of war the Ukrainian leader is tired of listening to the only option for peace is to give up stolen land and give them time to regroup so they can come back for more?

  2. Absolutely reeks of Russian propaganda

    Get back in your fucking box Russia, you don’t own Ukraine

  3. Has the Orban meeting have anything to do with this sudden invitation?

  4. Give them NOTHING, it’s pretty clear anyone who is not in denial understood Russia CANNOT BE TRUSTED.

  5. The peace summits are useful because it forces the countries calling for “peace” to be a little bit more specific about what they mean with “peace”. Countries not signing the very bland statement saying that Russia should return Ukrainian children and not attack the ships transporting food from Ukraine to Africa will be seen as Russian puppets by the civilized world. Each additional country that signs it make Russia look like an isolated pariah state.

  6. “Maybe by this time, there will be somebody else in the Kremlin, then we will talk to somebody else”


  7. Both sides are putting out interesting signals right now. The best thing to do is set up a RemindMe! in 4 months and see if any of the prognosticators were correct.

    Meanwhile **keep donating to Ukrainian groups who provide military kit!**. The harder they can fight back, the better Ukraine’s position will be at negotiations.

  8. Peace with Russia without Ukraine giving up land isn’t a U-turn. It’s what Zelenskyy has asked for all along. It’s the “without giving up land” part of it that Russia disagrees with.

  9. It’s a little bit to late now when millions of Ukranians died and had to flee.

    But it’s a good thing to talk peace because then nobody dies and he know trump will fire his ass once he gets elected.

  10. Reaction to Biden’s fragile, senile ego. Biden is going to stay in the race and lose to Trump. What a pathetic old man.

  11. What a trash headline.

    This is what Zelensky said according to the article itself:

    “If the second peace summit has a plan to end the war, and we have more countries, we will organise it and Russian representatives must be present. Who? We will see,” Mr Zelensky told Bloomberg News.”

    Nowhere in there he says anything about u-turning on that central pillar of Ukrainian Policy! What BS is this?

    “A plan to end the war” could also be something like a plan of ever escalating sanctions against Russia and Equipment Deliveries to Ukraine until either Ukraine has liberated its territory or Russia concedes.

    For a PR stunt he could also decide “Yeah, we invited a Russian Delegation” and then these Russians are representatives from the Russian Volunteer Legions.

    This statement of his can be interpreted in so many ways, but it seems like a huuuge stretch to interpret it in the way, that the headline is suggesting.

    It would be political suicide for him and his political allies and a military suicide in the long run for Ukraine to u-turn.

    Ukraine knows, that there can’t be an everlasting Ceasefire and eventual peace on the grounds that Putin would rearm, reorganize, rebuild and then attack again.

  12. I’d be surprised if there’s not a pathway to negotiations by this autumn. With Trump likely to come to power, I don’t think the rest of NATO, nor Ukraine, want to take the risk of finding how he deals with the situation, and it could likely end up a much more distasterous situation than it already is. Like it or not, Russia are chipping away, km by km, Ukraine can’t afford any more land loss, and as much as we throw aid at them, it’s simply not enough, despite the bravado, NATO has no appetite for becoming directly involved. Ukraine have put up a bloody good fight, but even their own people are beginning to say enough now, and at the end of the day, however this should go morally, the only opinions which matter are those of the Ukrainian people.

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