Giorgia Meloni in the 90s 😫

I saw this edit on ig and thought I should share it here since everyone seems to simp for her lol

by shadowlurkerr

  1. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought these were the opening scenes to a 90’s Euro Bass video.

  2. Why on gods green earth is she dying her hair blonde. A brunette queen is so hot wtf.

  3. Hey that’s around the time that she was simping for Mussolini and praised him for his fascist policies.

    Awesome person. /s

  4. Damn she could dominate my body. Not in the way she dominates women’s bodies by denying abortions tho

  5. I was born to late! God, why?!?!?!!?1??!


  6. I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, she’s totally mid for Italian standards. Your average man in Italy is probably prettier than she is

  7. She’s still major-league fuckable. Here we have saying which translates to “dumb people are good in bed” and I believe she’d be sensational.

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