Labour set for general election landslide, according to exit poll – BBC News

The will of the people leaves the SNP with 10 seats!

by ManintheArena8990

  1. SNP praying these aren’t accurate. They’ve done as badly as the Tories…

  2. 10 seats for the SNP. A conclusive mandate to start independence negotiations then!

    Disappointing to see the Tories over 100 but at least they’ll be out for five years.

  3. Worse than the worst possible outcomes that could have been predicted for the SNP.

    I voted SNP today and so this will be a sore night, and I shall hope with all my heart that Labour deliver some real change for this country.

    ETA: 10 also means a decent night for the Tories in Scotland.

  4. 10 for the SNP? Guess what gif it’s time for….


  5. SNP erasure is fantastic.

    Good fucking riddance, can’t wait to pump them out Hollyrood next



  7. For most of it, I’d say about what I expected, but less than I’d hoped.

    The only real surprise is the SNP prediction, which is much closer to the lower end predictions of eight that some polls showed. I’d be surprised if that held, as I’d generally pegged them getting between 12 seats at the low end, and 24 at the high.

  8. Can’t see the SNP being as low as 10, but honestly anything below 50% of seats is a fucking disaster for the party

  9. That’s beautiful. The struggle that some of the cult members on here will have will be beyond spectacular. If these results are anywhere near accurate then Unionist parties have obliterated their opps.

  10. That’s… certainly something alright.

    But seriously, screw Reform getting any seats. I hope Farage isn’t one of them.

  11. Labour potentially underperforming considering the scale of the swing in other polls. This would leave them with fewer seats than in 1997, although still a thumping majority.

    Tories perhaps saved from extinction and looking set to (sadly) retain a three figure number of seats and be the official opposition.

    That’s a dire result for the SNP if true. Of course, the UK wide opinion polling samples only a handful of Scottish seats, but that seems to be below even the worst predictions.

    My biggest issue so far – why the fuck are BBC giving a voice to Jackass Carlaw? You’d think he’d have lowered his blood pressure since he was relieved of his post, but his face is still as red as ever.

  12. I’m taking that exit poll with a pinch of salt as they had the SNP taking Rutherglen back. I’d have thought if they won Rutherglen, then they’d win a lot more seats?

    Before anyone says it’s copium or whatever, I voted Labour 

  13. Still 131 Tory seats. Fuck me, what more do you need to be convinced with? Every MP being live recorded saying ‘fuck the poor’?

  14. Someone from the SNP will still say this is a mandate for Independence.

    The Scottish people have spoken and this shows that the SNP speak for all of Scotland.

  15. I voted SNP and they have to take this L and own it, reflect, and hopefully being in opposition will do them good. Praying they’re wrong about reform tho that’s quite worrying :/

  16. I’m totally sick of both Red and Blue Tories…

    A two-party state, going down the American route is fucking abyssal.

  17. In an election about the cost of living and a referendum on the government, the SNP’s failure to read the room has cost them big time.

    How long has Swinney got left as FM?

  18. I don’t think I will be able to watch BBC Scotland and how smug they will be.

  19. The SNP result is terrible.

    Whether you agree with independence or not. It’s hard to argue that the SNP haven’t helped prevent some of the most horrific impacts of the Tory government. The discretionary housing payment, free prescriptions, free university, the Scottish child payment.

    During COVID the SNP and in particular Sturgeon was seen night and day as the opposite of the bumbling oaf Johnson. The scandals and sleaze in the SNP took alot of people by surprise.

    In regards to independence, I think it’s safe to say whatever your view, yes or no, the issue needs to be laid to rest. Within the current UK framework there seems to be no legitimate way to achieve it.

    Even if there were the SNP need to prove they can govern well and produce a solid majority for it first.

    I think the way forward for the SNP is to focus on good governance, clean house, be squeaky clean shining examples of what public service should be about. Bickering about hypothetical independence right now is pointless.

  20. Very amusing that the cybernats on twitter claiming Scotland were getting a government we didn’t vote for have serious egg on their face, imagine a few tweets will be getting deleted.

  21. Exit poll of 10 seats for the SNP, I’m guessing Swiney will still say that this is a mandate for another Independence referendum 😂😂

  22. Cautiously optimistic.

    Can’t see the SNP getting that few seats. I do hope they get a pasting though.

    Makes me feel a bit better about voting tactically.

  23. Whatever happens tonight, my X went to Farage. I say X, but I didn’t actually write an X, it was more a crude drawing of Farage with a cock in each hand, one in his mouth and several other leaky ones dotted around his gammon.

    I call it “Farage and his cock-addled visage” and as much as I would like to see it on display, the polling station officer was only to happy to accept my artwork as a vote for the reform party.

  24. SNP are spinning – with immense futility – that their [projected] miserable result is simply the public saying “Get the Tories out” and in no way a reflection of the SNP.

    Load of shite. As per usual.

  25. Welp independence is defo set back at least 10 years now, needs a new gen of leaders and unity in the parties, and to stop biting the culture war bait.

  26. Sturgeon has been a disaster for the SNP, managing to sound assured and competent when compared to Boris Johnson isn’t the ringing endorsement some seem to think it is. Furthered the cause of independence not one bit despite having a huge upswing in membership and support off the back of the independence campaign.

    The SNP became a party happy with the status quo of sending MP’s to Westminster and near enough pretend government at Holyrood, collecting the money and looking after comfortable careers. They need to rid themselves of the top down managerial mentality and careerists who don’t give a damn about independence and near enough start again. They deserve to be given this absolute kicking and until they rid themselves of the dodgy influence of Sturgeon and her husband and their cabal they’ll remain a bankrupt she’ll of a party.

  27. I hope none of these tory clowns get to hold power over us again. I don’t have any optimism for Labour governance going forward, but I will be celebrating every lost conservative seat tonight.

  28. I’m an snp voter but happy with the result it’ll force the snp to get their arse in gear for 2026 in addition to that the amount of pals I have who say they don’t vote Indy because they believe a UK labour government can fix the UK including Scotland however they’re in for a rude awakening when Starmer does sweet FA to change things that disillusionment will send them into the arms of the snp.

  29. Regardless of the result, even if it isn’t as bad for the SNP as predicted, Swinney needs to say we hear you, we’ll focus on governing and admit independence isn’t an option for now.

    Cyber impatient nats will lose their shit but they need to realise that voters need to be convinced over time not every second.

    For the record, I’m pro-indy and voted for snp because I liked my local candidate. Doesn’t mean I can’t be critical of the SNP too.

  30. The Tories played with the flame of English nationalism in 2015 and 2016 and now they are being burned by Reform.

    Hopefully the other nationalists, the SNP, have a devastating evening. Potential huge win for the Unionists.

  31. I got told if Labour win, then SNP won’t exist anymore by my cousin. I think he’s a bit dense but okay. He doesn’t understand that some people will remain nationalists and want independence and will not change their minds.

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