Umfrage nach der Wahl: Labour erringt überwältigenden Sieg bei den Parlamentswahlen

Umfrage nach der Wahl: Labour erringt überwältigenden Sieg bei den Parlamentswahlen

  1. For those who don’t know, this poll has a history of being *super* accurate.

  2. I knew SNP would get a spanking, but that is divine if the poll sits true.

  3. Thank god. Get them gone and dont let them back

    SNP have been killed off here. Entirely. Less than Reform

    Reform have done better than expected.

    I did 11 hours today for the final day of campaigns. I feel so vindicated

  4. lmao was in a morning meeting (NZ) having a yarn, and the team had a good laugh at how insane the gap is.

  5. This is the worst election result for the Conservatives since 1835.
    It’s absolutely amazing to see

  6. And then we all flip to “why haven’t they magically solved everything”, “at least with other parties you knew what you were getting” and other double standards.

  7. Interesting, all of Europe is turning to the right politically but the UK has had a Conservative government for a long time. My opinion is that people just get sick of the same government and then want a change. Unfortunately whatever political party is in place doesn’t really matter because they have their own agenda and don’t really care about the people.

  8. To get the point across of how large Labours win is here, they could theoretically split the party in 2, to form the government and the official opposition

  9. Wish all the best to Sunak in his new job role at Uber Eats delivering McDonald’s

  10. How does the Labour group compare to the American Democrat vs Republican

    I think I know how the other groups align, just not this one!

  11. Wonder specifically who gets booted.

    Would love to see Reese-Mogg and Truss get taken out. (Also farage and Galloway)

  12. So does this change have more impact on domestic issues or international issues?

    Ukraine won’t be fucked by this, right?

    Asking from across the pond.

  13. Tank the economy, steer public money to your pals, screw future generations, pander to the far right…this is the most deserved electoral trouncing ever

  14. What a shellacking. Guess it just goes to show you, voters don’t like it when you ruin the country for twenty years.

  15. Great. But now labour has to really deliver otherwise Farage will be the PM after Starmer.

  16. Fucking Reform getting 13 would be horrible. More from Nigel Farage. Yuck

  17. Good for the U.K! Nice to see that the far right has at least one place they’re losing.

  18. if the Tories are smart they’ll use this as an opportunity to take a long hard look at themselves. unlikely but you can’t get absolutely battered like the poll is showing

  19. Any indication how that chinless cunt Farage has done? 13 reform MP’s, I’m assuming one of them is him.

  20. Rare rare feeling being british in recent years and feeling better off and more fortunate than other countries with vote results.

  21. Ricky won’t be President anymore?

    >Ahead of their meeting with Mr Sunak, the Clarkson’s Farm stars had a meeting in a cafe. Accidentally Cooper called Rishi “Ricky” in a funny moment filmed for the show, plus he called him the “president”.

    >”Jeremy told me to say,” he said. “Kaleb if you want any talking points, just tell Ricky you aren’t going to be prime minister anymore.”

    >”Rishi,” Ireland corrected him.

    >”Rishi,” agreed Cooper. “The President, the prime minister sorry.”

    >Ireland said: “That’ll be a great place to start. I would definitely go, ‘Oh hello Mr President, how are you Ricky? You’re not going to be prime minister next time.”


  22. So Rishi’s resignation letter when? Looking forward to some good old fashioned knives-out Tory infighting.

  23. good, after so many years of tory shit, its time to see actual change…


  24. Was hoping for a Lib Dem opposition – I think that was the ultimate best case scenario for rapid improvements in key areas because there would actually be a chance of cooperation but ah well.

  25. As a French-American newly brit citizen, at least one election I’m voting in this year is confidently going well..

  26. That would be great news that at least one country is backing away from fascism.

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