Labour set for 410-seat landslide, exit poll predicts

Labour set for 410-seat landslide, exit poll predicts

by TheTelegraph

  1. There are few greater pleasures than watching the dildo of consequence arriving with no lube.

  2. This will make the night an amazing watch, should be some big names going. Reform gain to 13 is concerning

  3. BBC telling us that this shows how much people are willing to change their mind rather than the Tories being complete rat bastards.

  4. I’m not sure how insane that is! Tories I thought would do worse (131 is bad but I thought they would be around 100…that it top end). No huge push by Lib Dem’s (61 good but not great). Reform at 13 is also top end. SNP have collapsed entirely.

    Not sure how I feel about that make up

  5. I’m assuming triple figures means the shy tory vote turned up after all.

    The reform numbers are slightly concerning.

  6. Was hoping the Tories would be a little more fucked than this, but it’s still very bad for them so I shan’t complain

  7. Honestly surprised 131 seats Tory. 13 seats for Reform is dangerous. Far too much influence.

  8. Thank god. Get them gone and dont let them back

    SNP have been killed off here. Entirely.

    Reform have done better than expected.

    I wonder if Galloway won and how many other Gaza single issue candidates succeeded

    I did 11 hours today for the final day of campaigns. I feel so vindicated

  9. 131 seats to the Tories is 131 more than they deserve.

    I can’t wait to see what absolute headbanger they make their next leader because clearly the problem is that they aren’t insane enough.

  10. If reform get 13 seats it’ll really show the growing idiocy of british people. Bunch of sheep that blame the wrong people for the problems of our country.

  11. Disappointed by the number of reform MPs predicted that’s a fucking disaster.

    13 would give Farage some serious legitimacy

  12. Dorries just accused Campbell of being sexist because he told her to get over boris. Hysterical

  13. Was hoping for far fewer Tory seats, them being consigned to third place and not the opposition would have been perfect.

    Would have also meant Labour would be pushed to go left, not further right by the official opposition.

  14. I despise Reform and will never vote for them.

    But what do we expect to happen if we keep voting for parties that make no attempt to improve the lives of the average person.

    If voting for managed decline, not tory and my dad is a toolmaker is the best we can hope for then nobody can act surprised when far right parties gain traction.

  15. Imagine watching the government have parties while people died in hospital without their loved one by their sides and still think “yeah they’ve got my vote”, utterly despicable I can’t even comprehend how people are still voting Tory.

  16. Never thought I’d be depressed at the idea of a labour win but here we are.

  17. People seem too surprised at how well Reform seem to have done in my opinion.

    There is nothing surprising about that at all if you step outside of your usual echo chambers – they’re a group of idiots but it’s naive to think a very large number of people aren’t incredibly angry about the issue of migration.

  18. Anyone else feeling a great sense of relief to finally flush the Tory floater down the toilet…

    Funny how my Facebook page has been filled with “Labour will ruin the country” as if that kind of threat works given the state the Tories have left it in

  19. Channel 4 is funny as fuck tonight. They’re just calling each other patronising and sexist

  20. The fact that the Tories are still the official opposition is at the feet of the “don’t vote” fuckwits. We could have destroyed them but you couldn’t be arsed.

  21. Why is anyone surprised by reform?

    Didn’t you all see Brexit? The British electorate will believe anything they are told.

    It’s a miracle the Tories have so many seats still but then, not really. This country likes voting Tory and for Brexit and for populists, they couldn’t get Boris back so they went for Nigel instead

    Reform and the Tories aren’t going anywhere and labour have their work cut out for them against the dummies in the public who believe Nigel “I have a German passport and I love immigrants” farage’s lies just like they unhinged their jaws and gobbled down the Brexit lies so quickly

    The more anti immigration the words are the more they love immigrants. Nigel hates Britain and wants more and more immigrants here, he wanted Brexit so more would come – mission accomplished

  22. Green getting battered mainly because they had the shittiest manifesto going. All they have to do is be “normal” environmentalists – back investment into green energy, nuclear etc. but nooo. They make cuckoo polarising policies…

  23. My worry is not this election. It’s the next one.

    Labour are going to be blamed for not turning the country around, despite it requiring a near miracle to do this in 5 years given what they’ve been left with and we’ll end up with another Tory gov again.

  24. Shoutout to the UK! I’m American stationed here for a bit and loving it here. Proud of you all, even on the anniversary we claimed independence from you lol

  25. 13 potential seats for reform is disheartening. Not that every vote for reform is driven by immigration, but from what I’ve read and seen a lot of it is.

    As someone who is Asian and born/raised in the UK, it concerns me.

    There’s always been BNP-styled rhetoric since I’ve been aware about politics, but it just feels so heightened.

    What sounds like 18% of voters who want people who look like me, gone. The disturbing videos of kids/teens and young adults shouting against immigrants. The vile messages of “repatriation” you see out there.

    I’m glad the Tories are out and hopefully more credible politics can come of it, as questionable as some elements of Labour are.

    But the rise of these sorts of anti immigration views – at least publicly makes my heart sink.

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