UK election exit poll

UK election exit poll

by EstonianLib

  1. Lots of predictions had the conservatives on double digit seats, so if this result is accurate they could’ve done much worse.

    Here’s hoping it’s wrong then…

  2. Pretty insane that Conservative at 131 is “not as bad as it could have been”

  3. Liberal Democrats with more seats than in 2010, despite having half the votes.

  4. 13 seats for Reform UK is a lot higher than was expected

    Anyone who thinks the far right isn’t on the rise in the UK has their head in the sand.

    I’m really worried they will be the main opposition come next election.

  5. I remember some article in the Telegraph where they claimed that there was a major revolution in the works and that former Tory voters would vote Reform Party in droves lol

  6. In 2019 Boris Johnson won a majority of 78.

    Meanwhile in 2024 Keir Starmer has won a majority of 170.

  7. Well, it can’t get worse. Normally, I’d be happy about this, but Keir Starmer was really not the Labour leader I would have hoped for when he was elected. No intent to rejoin the EU, no real substantive policy change, only minor improvements in specific areas. Let’s hope I’m wrong and this will be amazing for the UK.

  8. Great news but wish the UK was still in Europe. A leftist government ran by someone intelligent and sensible like Starmer is badly needed especially with the situation in France.

  9. People disappointed but this will still be the worst Conservative election result in their entire history.

    We have had our expectations toyed with for 6 weeks, this is still an absolutely historic result if it pans out this way and far against the trend in other Western countries.

  10. Interesting to see the UK shifting left while the EU is becoming more right-wing.

  11. If this is accurate (and it’s usually pretty close):

    – Massive result for Labour but not a record; their seat total would be less than 1997 and 2001

    – The worst Tory result in the party’s 190-year history

    – Reform would end up with way more seats than nearly anyone thought

    – The SNP are fucked (lol)

  12. How the hell are the Tories predicted to win 131 seats? The prediction before the election today was around 70 seats.

    Guess it means that the high-profile Tories (incl. Sunak) have their seats safe.

  13. Is Britain turning left wing whilst the rest of Europe is shifting right, because Britain stands firm against right-wing ideology? Or is it just because the right-wing incumbent government made such an absolute hash of it all?

  14. First declaration in for Sunderland South, Labour win but an underwhelming vote and turnout mostly a collapse in the Tory vote and big vote for Reform, Labour are mostly beneficiaries of not being the Tories and the right wing vote being split.

  15. Here is my prediction.

    People will expect things to get better quickly and not understand how time consuming and difficult it will be to right the ship and grow impatient. Come next election they will moan and complain that Labour did nothing, which the opposition will use for all it’s worth in their campaign and since people are thick they’ll vote the Tories in again.

    That’s my prediction.

    This could be applied to many countries.

  16. Really nice to see liberal democrats making some ground too. Hopefully a sane voice in the opposition.

  17. UK accidentally based, with most Europe turning to the (far) right, they are making a left turn.

  18. Oh I’m so happy for my British friends! Just wish Labour was more trans friendly but it’s a giant step into the right direction!

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