Putin comments on Trump wanting to stop the war in Ukraine

Putin comments on Trump wanting to stop the war in Ukraine

в целом конечно я видел что отворачиваться от этого невозможно Тем более что Соединённые Штаты остаются Великой державой с известными возможностями в сфере экономики безопасности в сфере военного дела и США Член Совета Безопасности постоянно конечно такое влияние имеет На ситуацию на Украине конечно не безразлично что происходит это их собственно внутрен дело что господин Трамп как кандидат в президенты заявляет о том что он готов и хочет остановить войну на Украине мы к этому относимся вполне Серьёзно Я не знаком Разумеется с его возможными предложениями по поводу того как он собирается это сделать И это конечно Ключевой вопрос но я не сомневаюсь что он говорит это искренне и мы это поддержим L

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he had seen fragments of the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump but that he had enough of his own work to attend to, and added that the United States remained a great power.

He then commented on Trump’s suggestion that the war in Ukraine could be ended swiftly.

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#putin #trump #russia #ukrainewar

  1. Crom forbid a candidate talk about ending the war. It's almost like he wants to turn off the flow of American tax dollars and stop people from killing each other. It's utterly mad!

  2. But at the same time Trump wants Netanyahu to "finish" the job in Gaza quickly?! (And you know what that means right?!)
    This is NOT about ending wars, it's about him saying what "sounds about right" just to get your vote! Both candidates are abysmally terrible…

  3. I like how people like Trump and Putin sometimes genuinely believe what they say, because they love hearing their own voice.

  4. It is more important to the western establishment and the Biden administration to see Russia lose then to end the war, I don't feel that way though, maybe because I'm too young to have soviet hate towards the Russians, But long before the war in Ukraine it was clear that Russia was the number one enemy to the Biden administration and the Clinton campaign, There are people that have always and will always hate the Russians no matter what , cold war relics still walking amongst us wearing diapers but calling the shots. They don't speak for me.

  5. Thank God Vladimir Putin has integrity, discipline and reasonable thought behind him. If not, the US and the UN would have pushed this war into full escalation by now. There are still some grown-ups at the table.

  6. Putin is Trump"s friend, Zelensky is finished and he knows this, pretty soon he will run away with Biden"s billions, hush money to keep his mouth shout.

  7. Putin wants Trump to win. Then he can do whatever he wants this side of the pond. Puppet Trump will only whimper when allowed by his Master. Wait till the Russian porn files are exposed, if he crosses his boss. Should be MAPGA…make a paedo great again.

  8. Biden will end the war by ending the world, Trump will end the war by telling the idiots of NATO to sign the damn treaty Russia has been sending them

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