Most normal MP candidate in the UK

Most normal MP candidate in the UK

by b33rlov3

  1. He’s solely the reason we had 5 more years of Tory shit, if he stepped down after the 2017 General Election, they may well have won the 2019 election.

    Instead, he decided to stay on spouting shit and supporting openly hostile factions. The only word to sum him up, is Cunt.

  2. I sympathise with Gaza, but why aren’t more politicians promising to stand up and work for their electorate instead.

  3. while I understand the terrible situation in Gaza, you’d really want your politicians to think about solving shit in *your* country first and foremost, no?

  4. Why the fuck are we as europeans caring so much about a conflict between two parties that both exclusivly pursue their own goals? Gaza is ruled by literal terrorists, and Israel is about the most useless ally we have, always only pursuing own interests. let them deal with it imo, I don’t care frankly.

  5. I really want a left party but somehow every left party celebrates fascists in Palestine.

  6. lol same guy says Ukraine needs to lay down it’s arms, and would refuse to accept that ruzzia was responsible for the Salisbury poisonings, shame because his domestic policy is actually pretty decent, but his foreign policy is a tankies wet dream

  7. With this statement I thought his district is mostly Muslim but with 68% Whites its actually quite the opposite compared to pretty much every other urban area in Britain.

  8. u remember the time, in which we could give a fuck about what happend in some desert?

    Me neither.

  9. Just shut the fuck up about Gaza and Israel and Palestine and everything. A month ago we had EU election debates and one of the topics was about Gaza and all the politicians there picked a side. It’s fucking braindead.

    What the fuck does Sweden have to do with Gaza? What connection do we have with Israel or Palestine? Why the fuck should we care about two idiotic nations trying to exterminate each other? Why Gaza and not Sudan? A muslim minority is being exterminated in both Myanmar and China, why aren’t we talking about that instead of Palestine?

    We have zero stake and connection in the conflict. We should not be giving aid to Palestine or Israel, that’s a useless waste of our money. If anything, our entire foreign aid budget should go to Ukraine and not Palestine.

    Focus on fixing the country first. The government is supposed to represent the nation, it is literally their job to better our lives. Arguing about Israel and Palestine does not better the welfare of Swedes.

  10. Corbyn may be the one example where Netanyahu calling someone anti semite for being critical of his government is actually right.

  11. F Him and F Palestine.

    This d*psh*t can go to Gaza if he cares so much about them…

  12. Why do they talk so much about Gaza ? (I know they glaze muslims) it is just nonsensical what is important is your home country situation not what happens 5000 km from London .

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