Situation on the left bank of the Kherson region for Russian forces. They are literally being smoked out of their positions.

Situation on the left bank of the Kherson region for Russian forces. They are literally being smoked out of their positions.

by quetch1

  1. Did I hear a cheeky allahu akbar at 0:31 or did I forget to take my meds again

  2. idk man I played the early cod games, feel like they should be rushing headlong into that fire and trying to take it out with rifles and ammo separated among troops.

  3. Get used to the flames, where their eventual going they’ll be bigger and hotter

  4. They are just getting a preview of where they are heading shortly, the fires of Hell. No pearly gates for Invaders.

  5. Not commenting on the sad irony of Chechens fighting in Ukraine for the Russians…

    I just for a moment imagined myself in that scenario and quickly shat my pants. Fire, fire everywhere … and exposed , totally exposed on a fucking tiny boat with drones and spotters for artillery and snipers. shiiit.

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