Putin ist gegen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine und droht damit, dass Kiew erneut aufrüsten könnte

Putin ist gegen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine und droht damit, dass Kiew erneut aufrüsten könnte


  1. Why would they do that? Are they afraid of a bigger country with aspirations of becoming the Soviet Union again invading them?

  2. “Ukraine conflict”, “Kiev” – yahoo wording and context knowledge is about 10 years old at least

  3. I just figured it out today. If ruzzia keeps going like they are they will conquer Ukraine in 600 some years. They will only lose 180 million troops.

  4. lol, this is from textbook kgb book. This is what they actually accuse russia of when it’s trying to put ceasefire. That they’ll arm themselves more and try to take Ukraine again in few years.

    The KGB book says, in such situations accuse them of what are you being accused.

  5. Of course, Putin will oppose ceasefire unless he get to keep what he already stole from Ukraine.

    Kiev can arm itself anew? What do you expect with what Russia did to Ukraine.

  6. Guilty conscious. ‘I use ceasefire to rearm. Therefore, you use ceasefire to rearm’.

  7. “We don’t want to stop fighting because they may want to get more arms to defend themselves from an aggressor”. Yeah, I can see why putin would not be a fan of that.

  8. Putin: “damn… just realised they can do the same thing we planned to do.”

  9. If Putin opposes a ceasefire, then he should fight on the front lines.

    /s in reference to the Russian bots that use this line when people are supporting Ukraine’s rejection of Russian “ceasefire” proposals.

  10. Orban as a lapdog of putin failed to convince Ukraine to “ceasefire”, so Putin show his teeth.

  11. haha projection always projection with socialist narcissistic terrorist thieves in the night, ill wrap Lil Puti, Xi, Kim etal in same statement.

    Even as democracy starts stealing long fought freedoms we are still miles ahead of their respective slave states.

  12. What a wimp failure . Can’t even defend Russia. An impoverished at war country can out produce their military oligarchy.

  13. ‘Could’ rearm itself anew? More accurately, they would be scrambling to rearm themselves to prevent or delay another inevitable invasion.

  14. Anybody who is reading this who sincerely thinks that if a ceasefire came not even one bullet would arrive into Ukraine needs to give their head a wobble.
    This is not only Ukraine or what Russia would do. Any country in existence would do the exact same thing, If they wanted to continue existing.
    Even if peace was declared tomorrow Ukraine would be arming itself like crazy and anybody in their right mind would be doing the same.

  15. Aw, Vlad. Kiev arm itself anew? Motherfuckers are armed to the teeth, bro. You done fucked around and now you’re gonna F-16 level find out.

  16. Why would it ever disarm itself,cease fire or not? 

    This is pure projection and bullshit by the Dow Chemical Kobold. 

  17. Some day Russia will figure out this asshole is nothing more than a petty dictator!

  18. Putin asks for ceasfire, Zelensky says no. Putin: I didnt want a ceasefire anyway

  19. Meaning Russia is running low on logistics, not benefiting as much from a ceasefire as Ukraine. Meaning Ukraine should push even harder?

  20. His goal of demilitarizing Ukraine could have happened if he’d given the occupied territories back, but he invaded in earnest areas. Whoopsie.

  21. His bloody mindedness is killing so many people .I find it totally strange in this day and age of awareness and war history ( I’m not young )that for HIS conviction hundreds of thousands/ millions have to die for a wee tiny man throwing a tantum.What could he have learnt from history he ignored?

  22. Well I mean… you *did* invade them. Seems reasonable they’d want to arm themselves to, you know, *not* get invaded again.

  23. So…Putin wants a ceasefire in Ukraine so Moscow could arm itself anew?… Got it👍🏻

  24. Putin opposes the existence of Ukraine and therefore his babblings do not warrant notice

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