‘Enemy Did Not Leave a Single Building Intact’: Ukrainian Troops Partially Withdraw from Chasiv Yar. Nazar Voloshyn, spokesman for the Khortytsia operational group, told Kyiv Post that Ukrainian positions were destroyed, making it too dangerous to keep troops there.

‘Enemy Did Not Leave a Single Building Intact’: Ukrainian Troops Partially Withdraw from Chasiv Yar. Nazar Voloshyn, spokesman for the Khortytsia operational group, told Kyiv Post that Ukrainian positions were destroyed, making it too dangerous to keep troops there.


by MaryADraper

  1. We hear about the kill ratio of like 1:5.
    What is the artillery ratio?
    Does Russia really have enough ammo to do this forever?
    What about the NK AMMO?

  2. We eat about the kill ratio of 1:5, what is the artillery ratio?
    Does anyone know of Russian reserves?
    Des Russia know their reserves?

  3. At least from a tactical perspective, there is no reasonable way to spin the loss of Chasiv Yar as anything but a significant loss.

    Honestly, UA’s decisions recently have confused me. They have sent a large portion of their most effective units to counter attack poorly trained conscripts in an obvious diversion in Kharkiv while RU is sending VDV to take some of the most tactically significant ground on the Donetsk Front.

    What is going on!? Everyone knows Kharkiv is a diversion, why are you still biting?

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